Continuous monitoring of health data
KTH Life Science Day 2023
KTH Life Science Day 2023 was held on 22 November 2023 and showcased some work within continuous health data monitoring at KTH. The speakers talked about sensor development, data analysis and visualisation pipeline creation, infrastructure for data sharing establishment, and formulating design philosophies and ethical guidelines for handling the extensive data associated with continuous monitoring.
Tid: On 2023-11-22 kl 13.00 - 17.30
Plats: KTH Campus, Digital Futures, Osquars Backe 5, Stockholm
Språk: English
The healthcare landscape increasingly recognises the importance of frequent health data monitoring, a trend not limited to the ill but extends to the wellness-seeking population. This aligns seamlessly with our data-centric society, where acquiring and storing massive amounts of information has become more accessible. Continuous monitoring of health data poses numerous opportunities and challenges and is therefore the theme of KTH Life Science Day 2023.
13:00–13:05 Introduction by KTH Life Science Platform Director Peter Savolainen
13:05–13:50 Early detection of fall risk and mitigation strategies: Leveraging novel wearable technologies
Navrag Singh
, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Abstract Navrag Singh (pdf 68 kB)
13:50–14:10 Smartphone-based motion tracking for remote rehabilitation and therapy
Elena Gutierrez Farewik
, KTH Stockholm
Abstract Elena Gutierrez Farewik (pdf 62 kB)
14:10–14:30 Continuous monitoring of surgical patients
Martin Jakobsson
, KTH Stockholm
Abstract Martin Jakobsson (pdf 60 kB)
14:30–14:50 Carbon dioxide sensing using integrated optical sensors – a new tool for capnography
Kristinn Gylfason
, KTH Stockholm
Abstract Kristinn Gylfason (pdf 63 kB)
14:50–15:20 Coffee break
15:20–15:40 Visualization in Life Sciences
Mario Romero
, KTH Stockholm
Abstract Mario Romero (pdf 61 kB)
15:40–15:40 Designing with and for the end user in continuous health monitoring systems
Madeline Balaam
, KTH Stockholm
Abstract Madeline Balaam (pdf 60 kB)
16:00–16:45 Disposable sensors for next-generation diagnostics
Can Dincer
, University of Freiburg, Germany
Abstract Can Dincer (pdf 65 kB)
16:45–17:30 Panel discussion: Challenges of continuous monitoring of health data
Introduction to the panel by
Sebastiaan Meijer
, KTH Stockholm
- Magnus Boman, KTH/KI
- Aman Russom, KTH and SciLifeLab
- Jan Andersson, Region Stockholm
- Elena Gutierrez Farewik, KTH
- Eric Herlenius, KI
- Susanne Guidetti, KI
17:30 Mingle