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EECS studenter vann Swedish AI Society Best AI Master's Thesis Award 2020

Publicerad 2020-06-07

 Två studenter vid avdelningen för tal, musik och hörsel, Elias Lousseief and Ulme Wennberg, har tilldelats the Swedish AI Society Best AI Master's Thesis 2020.

Elias masteruppsats heter “MahlerNet: Unbounded Orchestral Music with Neural Networks” (handledare: Bob Sturm). Ulmes masteruppsats heter “An evaluation of BERT for a Span-based Approach for Jointly Predicting Entities, Coreference Clusters and Relations Between Entities” (handledare: Gustav Eje Henter).

Intervju med Elias Lousseief and Ulme Wennberg (på engelska).