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Event registration system

Depending on the number of visitors it may be good to use a registration system to manage registrations.

KTH's procured supplier Axaco offers a web-based registration system with payment processing for conferences and congresses.

Orders are placed in Wisum by designated employees.

To become a purchaser of products and services in Wisum:

Purchasing managers at KTH manage the request process.

To note, Wisum is only available in Swedish

  1. Log on to Wisum
  2. Choose “Produkter & tjänster” (Product & Services)
  3. Choose “11 - WISUM Behörigheter” (WISUM permissions)
  4. Choose “Utsedda beställare” (Designated purchaser)

The agreement includes the following services

  • Web based service for registration and delegate management
  • The abstract handling
  • Creation and management of project website

How to place an order in Wisum

To note, Wisum is only available in Swedish

  1. Log on to Wisum
  2. Choose “Produkter & tjänster” (Product & Services)
  3. Choose ”02 - Tjänst för anmälning och deltagaradministration” (service for registration and delegate management)
  4. You are now ready to place an order by following the instructions on the screen.
  5. Remember to delete the call-off order if no longer needed.
  6. Attach the final quote during the invoicing process in Agresso.

The event team can assist with any questions or if you need further information, please contact them by emailing .

Framework agreement registration system , please fill in the word "Axaco" in the search box.