Guest lecture: Robbing the Bank with a Model Checker with David Basin, ETH Zurich
Guest lecture with Professor David Basin, ETH Zurich, about a case study on the use of formal methods for security were researchers show how to use Tamarin, a security protocol model checker, to find serious exploitable vulnerabilities in the EMV payment protocols. EMV is the international protocol standard for smartcard payment that is used in over 9 billion payment cards worldwide. Despite the standard’s advertised security, various issues have been previously uncovered, deriving from logical flaws that are hard to spot in EMV’s lengthy and complex specification, running over 2,000 pages.
Time: Wed 2021-11-17 14.00 - 15.00
Location: Online or onsite at Digital Futures hub, Osquars Backe 5, floor 2 at KTH main campus
Language: English
Participating: Professor David Basin, ETH Zurich
More information about the lecture and registration
This event is jointly organized by KTH Digitalization platform and Digital Futures.