Still in town for Christmas and/or New Year?
From December 20 until Jan 7 you will notice that most people vanish. It is Christmas and Swedes will leave the city for skiing, for the countryside and to hang out with family. If none of that is an option to you, please sign up for the KTH Relocation "Christmas mailing list". It´s for KTH employees how will be around during this time and who also would like to make new acquaintances and new friends. When signing up you agree on making your email address public to all the others on the list, to make contact and to be contacted if something fun or interesting will take place.
We will give you tips and ideas of what to do but you are off course free to make any kind of private initiatives for Fika, walks, movies, day trips, etc.
Sign up for KTH Relocation Christmas list
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from KTH Relocation