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A Summer Greeting from KTH's Academic Orchestra

Published Jun 16, 2020

When it is impossible to convene the entire orchestra, one must find innovative approaches. All musicians have received a part and have been e-mailed an audio file. Thereafter, each musician has recorded her/himself and submitted the file, which was then mixed by Philip Bergström (a KTH alumnus) and Carl Åkerman Rydbeck (a student at KTH).
Happy summer from KTH's Academic Orchestra and Director Musices Mats Janhagen.

Den blomstertid

Hey brother

Mats Janhagen
Director Musices Mats Janhagen.

Mats Janhagen about the spring who has been:

Has the orchestra been able to make use of digital technology for rehearsals?

“The digital meeting tools, such as Zoom, are not developed for practicing music. Playing together demands a much higher level of precision in terms of the timing of sound transmission. So unfortunately, all orchestra activities were shut down during the spring. However, we have been able to continue with meetings and planning activities. The digital technology works just fine for those purposes.”

What have been the biggest challenges?

“Being unable to meet physically but still trying to inform everyone about what’s going on – such as providing background about the decision, and demonstrating that there is still a light at the end of the tunnel. We have been reassuring everyone that we have interesting programmes to look forward to and that there are various plans for their implementation, depending on the directives that we receive this autumn.”

KTH’s Academic Orchestra

KTH’s Academic Orchestra(KTHAK) is a large symphony orchestra with nearly 80 musicians. The orchestra consists mainly of teachers, doctoral students, students and KTH alumni, and professional section leaders also contribute their experience. The orchestra’s main task is to play at KTH's formal ceremonies, such as doctoral award ceremonies and diploma ceremonies. The orchestra also performs four to five public concerts each year, often in collaboration with the University College of Opera and the Royal College of Music.

Director Musices Mats Janhagen has directed KTH’s Academic Orchestra since 2019.

Members of the orchestra

Ensembles within the Academic Orchestra

Interested in playing with us

Belongs to: Current
Last changed: Jun 16, 2020