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Teacher or PA? Now you have the opportunity to apply for programme and course development funding

Published May 17, 2024

In 2024, the ABE School's teachers and programme directors are given the opportunity, through the respective Head of department, to apply for funding for programme and course development or the creation of undergraduate assistant positions.

It is now possible to apply for funding for programme and course development or the creation of undergraduate assistant positions (amanuens).

How to submit a proposal

Deadline for submissions

Submit your proposal to the head of your department  by email. The Head of Department will submit the department's proposal(s) to the School's Management Support.

The deadline for the department to submit proposals for major initiatives at programme level is 10 June 2024.

The deadline for the department for other initiatives is 15 August 2024.

Proposals should include:

  • Contact person for the initiative

  • Funds requested for the initiative

  • Proposed timeframe for the initiative

If the proposal is for an undergraduate assistant position (amanuens), it should also include:

  • Description of tasks

  • Requirements profile (what is needed to complete he tasks, e.g. educational requirements and specific prior knowledge, possible previous experience, personal characteristics, etc.)

  • Number of months planned for the post (max. 6 months)

  • Division in which the post is to be located