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Hackathon: Data Analytics in Public Transport

Published Jan 25, 2022

Explore Public Transport data of two European cities: Stockholm and London!

Hackathon: Data Analytics in Public Transport - Open for students and researchers of KTH, Lunds university and University of College London

Dates: 14 and 15 February 2022 (AM only for 15 February)

Participants will either analyse its operation data (vehicle movement data) or propose innovative ways of using data, with the eventual aim of improving customer experience or/and increasing operation efficiency. This online event also provides opportunities for students and researchers of three universities - KTH, Lund, and UCL - to work together in teams, and the winners will be given an opportunity to physically attend a workshop at the counterpart university and present the work to and interact with practitioners.

Registration: You may find more information and registration by following the link.

This event is supported by the City Partnership Program.

Belongs to: Centre for Traffic Research (CTR)
Last changed: Jan 25, 2022