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KTH in world class - in many ways

Anders Söderholm, President, and Kerstin Jacobsson, University Director, welcome to a new semester and give a brief report on the autumn and its opportunities.

Sofia Ritzén

Recruitment closer to the schools' operations

The Schools' Faculty Boards will take over the management of and responsibility for the recruitment and promotion of teachers, affiliations and the admission of docents.

“We hope and believe that this will speed up our recruitment processes, shorten lead times and strengthen quality through more operation-related decisions in faculty renewal,’ says Sofia Ritzén, Dean, of Faculty.

Contribute to strengthening the total defence

A collaboration to strengthen Sweden's total defence has been initiated between KTH, the Swedish Defence University and the Stockholm School of Economics. KTH is now looking for researchers who want to participate in a competence network and create a structure for future work.

Four people from behind walking on a cobbled road.

KTH's career system is reviewed

KTH's career system is currently under review. How it can be more predictable, clear and work the same way across KTH are some of the issues for how it can be developed for the future.

Nominate candidates to The President’s equality and diversity prize

To strengthen gender equality and diversity work at KTH, a gender equality and diversity prize has been established that this year will be given out for the nineteenth time. The prize is awarded annually to an employee who has shown extra measures to promote these issues at the university. It is now time to nominate candidates for the prize of 2024. The deadline for nominations is October 10.

Nominate for KTH's pedagogical prize

You are welcome to nominate teachers who you think should receive KTH's pedagogical prize in 2024. The last day for nominations is 24 September.


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