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Boel Berg Wincent and Andressa Mazur.

Awarded PhD candidates

Boel Berg Wincent and Andressa Mazur were presented with the President’s Equality and Diversity Award 2024. They received the award in the categories of staff and student for their efforts to increase PhD candidates' awareness of norms and rights.

Holger Berling

Clearer guidelines for purchasing and procurement

KTH has an updated guideline for procurement and purchasing. Holger Berling, Head of Procurement at KTH, hopes that the new guideline will bring increased clarity within the organisation regarding responsibility in purchases and procurement.

Portrait photo: Stefan Östling sitting by a table.

No more doctoral students on CSC scholarships

KTH will not accept any new doctoral students under the current agreement with the China Scholarship Council, CSC.

“This is a good solution and means that we can correct and improve the transparency of all future agreements so that the conditions are perceived as reasonable by all parties," says Stefan Östlund, Vice President for International relations.

Clear terms and pathways in proposals for a new career system

The report on KTH's career system contains a number of proposals for changes that are intended to create a clearer, more competitive and transparent system for those considering an academic career at KTH.

Share your innovative teaching ideas

On March 13, Unite! is hosting an online conference on innovative methods in teaching and learning. Do you have an example you would like to share? Submit your proposal by January 17, 2025.


Scheduled Service Maintenance

  • Upgrades

    Tuesday 2025-01-21, 16:00 - 18:00

    2025-01-21T16:00:00.000+01:00 2025-01-21T18:00:00.000+01:00 Confluence (Upgrades) Confluence (Upgrades)