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Portrait photo of Anna Hamilton.

Find your own favorite spot at KTH Campus

Take the chance to join a guided tour of KTH Campus this spring and get a dose of KTH's history.

– "We have one of Stockholm's most beautiful workplaces, and at KTH Campus, there are both historical and modern art treasures," says Anna Hamilton, a KTH guide.

Tilde Björfors

Circus – as a source of innovation

Tuesday 25 March at 18:30-21:00 KTH invites students and researchers to a workshop with circus director Tilde Björfors, recipient of KTH's Great Prize 2023. Welcome to a workshop where circus and technology meet to challenge boundaries and create future innovations.

Worskhop with Tilde Björfors

A man with a bag and a laptop looking at a time table board in a big hall.

New Travel Agency from 1 April

With KTH's new travel agency, BIG Travel, it will be easier for travellers to make more sustainable choices. For those booking a business trip or adjusting an already booked journey this spring, there are also some important dates to keep in mind.

The annual report available now

KTH's annual report for 2024 is available to read and download. It shows in facts and figures how KTH developed last year.

Portrait photo: Lena Niemi Birgersdotter

Support for KTH's managers

The HR Department has launched a new manager support on KTH's intranet. There, managers with personnel responsibilities can get information about what is included in the managerial role and find answers to their questions. Lena Niemi Birgersdotter, HR strategist and project manager, talks about the manager support.

Course surveys are now automatically created in Canvas

KTH has launched a new system for course evaluation and analysis that is automated in Canvas. As a teacher, you only need to write a course analysis – everything else is done automatically. The system is used for all courses starting study period 3.

Course: Researchproject management

Professional Development for Research Project Managers: Take the step towards bigger and more successful projects. The Research Support Office offers a training course tailored for those who lead collaborative research projects and wish to develop the tools and skills required to manage projects at a higher level.

New travel agency 1 April - important dates

From 1 April, KTH will change travel agency to BIG Travel that will replace current travel agency Egencia. Travellers and travel arrangers will get an introduction to the booking system through webinars.

  • 31 March - Last day to book trips with Egencia and log in to the booking portal. Last day for travelers to download itineraries, booking confirmations, and other documents for existing bookings.
  • 1 April - Users can log in to BIG Travel's portal, complete their traveller profiles and book trips.

Q&A, key dates and webinars (log in required) 


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