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Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH)

Welcome to the internal pages for employees at the School of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH) at KTH. Note that the menu for KTH's overall intranet can be found above in the header.

Christina Divne.


FA raises the issue of reducing the course component of postgraduate education

At the last Faculty Board meeting on June 12th, Christina Divne, CBH's Director of Third Cycle Education (FA), was invited to address the issue of reviewing the course component of the doctoral program.

KTH has a requirement that 60 credits within the doctoral program must consist of courses. Heads of department have expressed the view that this part is too large.



DDLS Fellow to CBH - listen to candidate presentations

A fellow is to be recruited for the national Data-driven life science program.

On June 25, 13:00-15:30, the candidates will visit SciLifeLab and talk about their research.

Everyone at CBH is welcome to listen to the candidates' presentations via Zoom. Anyone who wants to join in on site needs a pass.

Happy 13 year olds from last year's Summer school


Summer school at Campus Flemingsberg

For nine days in June, more than 40 pupils who have just finished year seven will visit Campus Flemingsberg and take part in exciting workshops. The so-called Summer School was started by Södertörn University in 2010, inspired by Scotland.

For the second year in a row, KTH in Flemingsberg will welcome the students for a day on 13 June.

Catherine Trask


Catherine Trask receives this year's Levi Prize

Catherine Trask, Associate Professor at the Division of Ergonomics, and Programme Director of the master’s programme in Technology, Work and Health, is the recipient of this year's Levi Prize for Work Environment. The winner is appointed by the Engineers of Sweden association.

“Catherine is an enthusiastic and captivating teacher and supervisor. She is deeply appreciated by the engineering students and doctoral students.” 

Statue above KTH Campus.

Co-organization next step in development of UA

The next step in the development of KTH's University Administration, UA, is that staff in HR, finance and communication will be co-organized within each area from the first of April 2024. This is one of several points decided by the President in an orientation decision on how UA will be organized in the future.

Environment and sustainable development

The CBH School works actively for a sustainable development on several levels. Our research and education contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, we have an environmental management system and is a workplace that strives for increased sustainability in our daily processes.

Don't miss CBH News

Every week the CBH School's newsletter is published. Here you can read about important information, news articles, exciting activities and new interviews with colleagues.

Do not hesitate to contact  if you do not receive CBH news in the email or if you have a news tip!