Organisation of the CBH School
The School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH) is one of five schools at KTH, with four campuses and eight departments.

Download the organisation chart (pdf 25 kB)
The CBH school has four campuses: Valhallavägen, AlbaNova, Solna and Flemingsberg.
Faculty Board
The CBH School's faculty board has overall responsibility for education and research in the school's field of activity, which includes strategic development work, quality assurance of education, research and skills provision and issues relating to the organisation of teaching and research.
The Faculty Board is chaired by Amelie Eriksson, Head of School.
School Management Group
The Management Group deals with all strategic and operational issues of particular importance and ensures that the Headteacher's decisions are dignified.
The group is an advisory body to the Head of School in matters relating to the development plan, the budget and operational plan, the organisation of the school, school policy and other significant operational matters.
The School Management Group is chaired by Amelie Eriksson, Head of School.
Members of the School Management Group
The school conducts research at eight departments which spans a vast field, from cellular and molecular level to complex systems and over the broader subject fields health, environment, materials and energy.
Departments (KTH's external website)
Administrative Support
CBH Administrative Support expertise in areas such as human resources, communication, technology and administration.