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New PhD position open - Apply until 31 March

Published Mar 11, 2022

Are you interested in further developing current traffic models to enable analysis of future automated traffic systems? Apply for a PhD position at KTH in Modelling and simulation of automated vehicles!

Doctoral student (licentiate) in Modelling and simulation of automated vehicles

The introduction of self-driving vehicles is gradual. Whether the infrastructure is ready to safely and efficiently "manage" the transition period where vehicles with different levels of automation and capabilities will share the road space with conventional vehicles and active traffic modes is still unclear. Automated vehicles may also give rise to new shared mobility services that can also contribute to a more efficient transport system, but the conditions for achieving these effects are still unknown. The project will further develop simulation models that can answer these questions, and investigate how automated and conventional transport modes can be combined and integrated to create an efficient and robust transport system.

Supervision: Erik Jenelius (CTR) is proposed to supervise the doctoral student.

Belongs to: Centre for Traffic Research (CTR)
Last changed: Mar 11, 2022