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KTH researchers in new project granted by Horizon Europe

Published Dec 19, 2023

Three collaborating KTH researchers, from different parts of the university, have been granted a new project in a Horizon Europe call.

The project is called "Demonstrating transformative solutions to empower climate resilience towards improved public health status in the EU boreal region (AURORA)"


Climate change poses significant threats to human health and well-being, impacting not only the EU Boreal region but also Europe as a whole. The increasing frequency and severity of extreme events, like floods, wildfires, rising sea levels, and heatwaves have far-reaching consequences for local communities. The need to adapt to climate change's impacts and embrace transformative solutions has garnered recent political attention. Nevertheless, recent extreme incidents, such as the 2021 wildfires in the Boreal region and similar events in Europe, have underscored the imperative of systemic actionsand revealed the disproportionate vulnerability of already marginalized populations.

The AURORA project aims to enhance resilience against health risks stemming from climate change and contribute to the overarching Mission objectives. It seeks to achieve this by developing a suite of tools capable of:

  1. Monitoring climate stressors,
  2. Creating climate and epidemiological models,
  3. Generating forecasts via simulated scenarios,
  4. Identifying climate change risks and vulnerabilities in the Boreal region. These risks will be complemented by a reliable AI-driven technology that will,
  5. Issue early warnings and recommend adaptive measures and nature-based solutions.

The knowledge and insights generated by AURORA will be disseminated through clustering activities, ultimately empowering local policymakers to make evidence-based decisions, reassess strategies, and develop management plans for climate-resilient cities.

Project partners from KTH