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Millenium Water Story - a photo-activism project

Struggle for collecting drinking water from a tanker in South-East district, National Capital Territory of Delhi
Published Apr 21, 2017

Millennium Water Story (MWS) is an initiative which aims to enhance awareness and sensitisation among all stakeholders about the centrality of water for our survival and sustainable development.

This initiative was started with the purpose of bridging the gap between science and society by sharing research-based knowledge through a medium of communication that everyone – ranging from policy makers to practitioners, water experts to water users, university students to school kids - can understand and make use of. Ultimately, it intends to stimulate critical thinking in society about the gravity of the problems facing our invaluable water resources and educate them about potential sustainable solutions.

MWS shares this knowledge through 'photo stories', photographs being the most powerful and universal medium of communication. In fact, this is the first initiative in the world that intends to reach the goal of water sensitisation exclusively through PHOTO STORIES. Though these photo stories portray real life situations from different parts of India on various dimensions of water management, these are actually representative of the challenges confronting the world’s water resources. Similarly, the solutions presented in these stories also hold the potential of wide applicability across varied geographical contexts.

MWS is conceived and founded by Nandita Singh and Om Prakash Singh. Since its launch in January 2016, 27 water photo stories have already been published, which can be visited on