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Donation to MedTechLabs for the diagnosis of long-term covid

Henrik Hult writing on tablet
Henrik Hult, Professor KTH, programme- and research leader at MedTechLabs, Bioelectronic medicine
Published Apr 23, 2021

The foundation Stockholm Pandemic Resilience donates 200 000 SEK to the project "Enhanced diagnose of patients with long COVID", with project managers Docent Peder Olofsson, Karolinska Institutet and Professor Henrik Hult, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, practising at MedTechLabs.

This is the first donation the centre gets and where the full amount is directed to these researchers. The project will, among other things, use advanced mathematic analysis to find the causes to why some patients are affected by long COVID.
”We are very grateful that the foundation Stockholm Pandemic Resilience has chosen to support the project and welcomes additional foundations, companies and individuals who which to accelerate the important research conducted by Peder Olofsson och Henrik Hult. We also want to express our gratitude towards KTH Development Office for their professional handling of the donation which means that the researchers can start their work immediately", says Johan Schuber, Executive Director MedTechLabs

The foundation Stockholm Pandemic Resilience stands behind the initiative WeFightCovid which gathers over 50 individuals and companies who, on a non-profit basis, engage in supporting the healthcare and society in the fight against the Corona virus. Read more about WeFightCovid and Stockholm Pandemic Resilience here .