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Researchers at MedTechLabs uses image analysis and AI to understand Covid-19

Medical image of human lungs
This patient is showing signs of alien cells that increases the density of the lung tissue, common in case of the disease.
Published Sep 30, 2020

With the help of image analysis and artificial intelligence researchers and personel from KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Karolinska University Hospital at MedTechLabs will assess X-rays to improve the caregiving.

The lungs are severly affected by the new Corona virus. At the same time healthcare and researchers experience a difference between what the X-rays show and how the patient feels.

– Studies show that AI may separate between covid-19 from other types of pneumonia. Our goal is to enhance the diagnostic accuracy further, says Mats Danielsson, Professor in Medical Imagineg at KTH Royal Institute of Technology and researcher at MedTechLabs in an articel at the university newswebsite. 

Read the full news article  (in Swedish).