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Staffan Holmin awarded with Science Prize

Wigzell Foundation for Research Science prize

Staffan Holmin
Published Feb 14, 2020

The award is given to Staffan Holmin for his groundbreaking research work with catheters that can be directed to specific parts of central organs via blood vessels, to remove blood clots, to take tissue samples or to place materials into the body.

Staffan Holmin

From the foundation press release:

"Hans Wigzell's Research Foundation today awards researcher Staffan Holmin. Holmin receives the award of SEK 600,000 for his groundbreaking technology with sophisticated catheters that can be directed to specific brain parts via the blood vessel system. These catheters can not only remove life-threatening blood clots but also be directed to leave the bloodstream and, for example, go into a local tumor, sample or submit material for further treatment. The clinical consequences of Holmin's pioneering research are very positive, and Staffan Holmin is also a very good lecturer who makes the viewer fascinated by the glory of the human body."

About Hans Wigzell: Professor of Immunology, Karolinska Institutet. Former Principal of the Karolinska Institute, Head of the Infectious Disease Institute, the State Bacteriological Laboratory and chair of the Karolinska Institute Nobel Committee. Hans is also a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences IVA.

About the Hans Wigzell Research Foundation: The Foundation will promote it's purpose of supporting scientific research and education in the medical field, especially by awarding scholarships and other grants. The foundation may also arrange and/or support seminars and conferences.