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Oracle Java SE 8 requires licensing as of Jan 1 2019

The Java programming language is used on many computers, both servers and in the teaching at KTH.
Oracle Java has gone from being free to cost money.
Here's information about what's going on and what to do.

What is Java?

Java is an object-oriented programming language designed by Sun Microsystems in the 90's.It is today one of the most used programming languages, and is used for everything from dishwashers to stock-trading systems.At KTH, it is used on servers, client computers and in teaching.

Oracle changes licensing model

Oracle Java (formerly Sun Java) is one of the platforms that deploy Java and is used for the development and distribution of Java applications on clients and servers. Oracle Java has previously been free of charge, but Oracle has now announced a change of licensing terms, which means that Oracle Java will start to cost money to use for all commercial players. Under Oracle's rules, only individuals and charities are considered "non-commercial activitiy". KTH is thus considered as commercial activity and will be charged for the use of Oracle Java from the start of 2019.

For KTH, the consequence will be considerable licensing costs if we continue to use Oracle Java.

Recommendation to change Java implementation

KTH will change to equivalent but free versions of Java implementations, preferably OpenJDK.

KTH's computer workplace (KTH Mac, KTH Ubuntu, KTH Windows)

If you are using a KTH's IT Workplace (KTH Mac, KTH Ubuntu, KTH Windows) then you do not have to do anything because this will be taking care of the IT department and will be automatically updated.

On the server side, KTH strives to switch to OpenJDK as soon as possible. KTH's computer workplace (KTH Windows, KTH Mac, KTH Ubuntu) will also use, or already use, OpenJDK.

If you have a self-administered computer

If you have a self-administered computer or server and do not need to use Oracle Java, you should uninstall it to avoid unnecessary costs. We recommend switching to another implementation, OpenJDK.

If you need support for Oracle Java after 2018-12-31

If anyone still needs support for Oracle Java after 2018-12-31, which includes security updates and all new releases, they must purchase an subscription (annual fee). This applies to all hardware/users running Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) for anything related to KTH.

Do I use Oracle Java?

You can easily check if you are using Oracle Java implementation.

Check by using the following methods :

  • Mac: launch the Terminal application and type "java version" followed by return.
  • Ubuntu: launch the Terminal application and type "java version" followed by return.
  • Windows: Open a command prompt and type "java version" followed by return.

If the answer is something like

   Java (TM) SE Runtime Environment ...

then you use Oracle Java and need to act.

Users of computers in KTH's computer workplace (KTH Windows, KTH Mac, KTH Ubuntu) do not need to do anything, as these are managed by KTH.

Länkar till mer information

OpenJDK (external link)

Download of OpenJDK (external link)

About Java SE

Overview of Java SE (external link)

Java and licensing

"Java is still free" (external link)

Understanding Oracle JDK Releases in Transition (Java Magazine) (external link)