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KTH Import Exams – scanned exams to Canvas

Do you want to use a campus-based proctored exam but not have to deal with the large piles of paper afterwards and do the assessment work in Canvas SpeedGrader? In the examination room for the exam, you can easily choose to import the students' written exams as assignments in a Canvas Assignment with the help of the function KTH Import Exams.

Scanned exams to Canvas

To use KTH Import Exams, go to the examination room connected to the exam and start the function. The function first prepares the examination room with a front page and an assignment in which the exams will be uploaded. Afterwards, the exams can be imported. You can leave the function at any time and come back to it later.

Scanned exams to Canvas

Assessment for scanned exams

When the exams have been scanned into Canvas, those who are to do the assessment work need to decide on a procedure for handling assessment and on how the assessment is to be presented to the students. It is possible to mimic the process used for paper exams in many ways, but it is also possible to use the digitisation to develop the clarity and automate the summation.

Assessment for scanned exams

FAQ KTH Import Exams

Here are some frequently asked questions about how the function KTH Import Exams is handled. For example, there are answers to who can use the function and how common errors are handled.

FAQ KTH Import Exams

Contact and support for examination

Do you have questions about examination? There are contact persons for planning and coordinating examinations at each school, and you can also get help with digital arrangements from E-learning.

Contacts for examination