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Water themed UN role play at Mora High School

Published Oct 16, 2017

Would students go to school if the school did not have a toilet?

At the annual UN role play at Mora High School  , this year’s theme is water. Nelson Ekane, PhD fellow in planning and decision analysis, KTH, visited and talked about sanitation, health and water. Nelson drew the students attentions to things that they take for granted in their daily lives, such as having a toilet with flush function - would students go to school if the school did not have a toilet? Nelson revealed the link between water and sanitation, sewage systems and health effects of poor hygiene conditions. The students were confronted with many questions, thoughtful facts and new knowledge. Nelson gave the students an inspiring start to the three-week UN project and important skills to use in the role of UN delegates for different countries.

View Nelson's presentation here;

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene: A Development Challenge (pdf 4.4 MB)