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Detailed Program

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Annual Conference

October 14-16, 2019 KTH Royal Institute of Technology  


Monday 14 October: Pre Conference Activities

11.00 Registration Opens, Sing-Sing, Lindstedtsvägen 30

12.00 Lunch

13.00 – 17.30 PhD Candidate Workshop

During the workshop, PhD candidates have the opportunity to present their research proposals, papers, and research plans, and get feedback from senior and junior opponents from the Nordic countries, providing constructive support and ideas. The workshop is deliberately designed to provide each candidate with enough time to really discuss their contributions in depth. All PhD students will receive a diploma certifying that the workshop equals 3 ECTS credits.

Host: Cali Nuur, KTH
Venue: Room 558, Room 358, Room 322, Hjärne, Lavoiser, Hall K51, Hall K53

12.30 – 17.00 Head of Departments Summit (by invitation only), incl. lunch

The theme of the conference – back to the core, beyond core – represents an opportunity for meeting to discuss both operative challenges and more long-term issues. Through the Summit, the heads for the IEM Departments in the Nordic countries share ideas and experiences in to be better prepared for future challenges.

The Summit is restricted to department heads, or equivalent, or to somebody assigned by the head to represent the department at the summit meeting.

Host: Matti Kaulio, KTH
Venue: Room 643 Albert Danielsson

14.00 – 17.00 IEM Program Directors Council

The council share insights and addresses issues related to the IEM educational programs in the Nordic region. This year we specifically focus how to cover issues like sustainable, ethics and gender in contemporary IEM-education. The aim is to facilitate an inclusive forum where the participants can share experiences and to get inspirations from how other IEM-programs have handle these highly relevant subjects.

Hosts: Andreas Feldmann, KTH, and Lars Uppvall, KTH
Venue: Room “Nordstjernan”

14.00 – 17.00 Head of Doctoral Education Council

Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) is an eclectic subject, gathering researchers with various empirical interests, methodological approaches and theoretical foundations. The purpose with this meeting is to find inspiration that will help us to further improve the quality of the Doctoral education in IEM at our different universities. During the council, we will explore differences and similarities between our programs, as well as discuss common challenges and possibilities for future collaborations.

Host: Anette Hallin, Mälardalen University and Åbo Akademi
Venue: Room 243

17.30 – 19.3 0 Welcome Reception and registration

Come together and mingle with old and new friends in the IEM-building of KTH, which due to its architecture was nicknamed Sing-Sing by the students in the 1940’s. Drinks and a light buffet are served together with entertainment in an informal environment.

Venue: Sing-Sing

Tuesday 15 October: Main Conference

08.30 Registration

08.30 - 09.00 Morning Coffee

09.00 – 10.00 Welcome Address

Welcome to ScAIEM 2019, KTH and INDEK
Sigbritt Karlsson, Rector of KTH; Matti Kaulio, Head of Department, and Mats Engwall, Chairman of ScAIEM and ScAIEM 2019

Venue: Auditorium F2

10.00 Swedish Fika

10.30 – 11.30 Parallel Sessions 1

a) Research
What's beyond Uber? Managing the complex infrastructure behind

Management research has focused extensively on new types of market platforms such as Uber and Airbnb. Yet, when moving towards an AI enhanced society, future applications will be heavily dependent on a critical and increasingly intelligent infrastructure. This under­lines that we need to proactively contribute to the shaping of future management of complex intelligent systems that enables organizations to responsibly contribute to and benefit from the emerging possibilities of AI.

Session leaders: Nicolette Lakemond and Gunnar Holmberg, Linköping University

Format: Workshop

Venue: HallK51

b) Research
Qualitative research methods: perspectives, dilemmas, and open questions
Qualitative research methods have been adopted by many scholars in the field of indust­rial engineering and management. Although there is no universal prescription of how to employ rigorous qualitative research methods, a number of traditions have been widely applied in the extant literature.

In this session, we reflect on how we apply, as well as teach, qualitative methods. We add­ress questions, e.g., to which extent does one trust one’s own results? how does one derive findings from qualitative data analysis? what are the promise and pitfalls of being systematic as Gioia or Yin prescribe? And iff reflexivity is aimed, to which degree we can really achieve it?

Session leader: Emrah Karakaya, KTH
Participants: Ebru Susur, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Politecnico di Milano, Simon Okwir, Uppsala University, Vikash Kumar Sinha, Aalto University.
Format: Round table
Venue: Hall K53

c) Education
Academic programs in Fintech
Financial technology (Fintech) is an emerging field where software development, mathematical and statistical modeling, and practical problem-solving expertise meets the financial domain. Recent year, the Fintech interest from students can be visible in bachelor- and master thesis where students combine, for instance, machine learning algorithms with financial data.

The session aims to deepen our understanding of possible Fintech courses, tracks and master programs through an interactive workshop where we will ask participants to share their views on our ideas for possible collaboration options as well as some initial thoughts on pedagogical setup. Examples of issues addressed: which opportunities and challenges does the Fintech industries meet? How can universities collaborate with the industries to build strong programs meeting these opportunities and challenges? And what should the key building blocks in such programs be?

Session leader: Mattias Wiggberg, KTH; Niklas Arvidsson, KTH; Tomas Sörensson, KTH
Format: Workshop

Venue: Room 243

d) Young Scholars
PhD theses by papers

A significant proportion of doctoral theses are carried out in the form of publications plus an introductory section. However, this format is still under discussion. The session revolves around the following issues:

What are the requirements in different Scandinavian countries and universities for such theses by publications? How to manage the publications in a reasonable timescale? How to write the introductory section? How explicating the unique contribution by linking the publications? And how can a PhD program enhance efficient thesis processes?

Session leader: Miia Martinsou, Tampere University
Format: Round table
Venue: Room 643

11.30-12.30 Lunch

12.30 – 14.00 Keynote Address

Industrial Engineering and Management: knowledge for the future?
Industrial relevance is of outmost importance for a field as Industrial Engineering and management (IEM). From its cradle in the mass-manufacturing of the industrial revo­lu­tion, IEM has over the years followed the industrial development to include an increa­singly larger number of issues. Facing today’s situation with digitalization and disruptive changes, the one-billion question is: what should we research and teach to continue staying relevant? Or stated differently: which will be the relevant IEM-competences for the future?

These are examples of issues that will be addressed by our highly competent panel of entrepreneurs and leaders from industry.

Session leader: Bo Karlson Director of Studies at INDEK. KTH

Expert panel:

  • Tuva Palm, Serial Entrepreneur, MSc KTH
  • Jane Walerud, Business Angel, Doctor h.c., KTH
  • Nils Gunnar Vågstedt, Director of Innovation at Scania, PhD KTH.

Venue: Auditorium F2

14.00 Swedish Fika

14.30 – 15.30 Parallel Sessions 2

a) Research
Digitalization and the transformation of corporate organizations.
High impact digitalization challenges incumbent industry companies. However, there are few studies addressing how incumbent firms can structure the transformation to deve­lop new digital-based offerings, in parallel with pursuing their existing products, custo­mers and business models.

Consequently, the session will around a number of crucial questions, e.g. how are incum­bent firms and business models challenged by digitalization? How do firms solve the con­tra­dictions between serving existing technologies and offerings, as well as future digital, disruptive technologies? How do national innovation strategy support the digital trans­for­mation of incumbents? And what kind of management models guide the development of the new organizational practices needed for digital transformation?

Session leader: Solomaz Filiz Karabag, Linköping University
Participants: Christian Berggren, Linköping University; Daniel Rencrantz, VINNOVA; Johan Simonsson, Husqvarna; Nicolette Lakemond, Linköping University
Format: Panel
Venue: Hall K51

b) Education
From data analytics to action
Data Analytics study programs or courses often emphasize different algorithms and to apply them in small projects. At DTU, we developed a course “From Analytics to Action”, which complements such courses by addressing challenges and solutions from a mana­ge­ment perspective.

During the session we address several important issues, e.g. the business values of anal­ytics projects, organizational structures, stakeholders, and technology, and discuss spe­cific solutions and cases. An overview about this newly developed course is presented. Afterwards, there is time for presentations of similar approaches from all participants and for exchange of experiences.

Session leader: Kathrin Kirchner, DTU
Format: Presentation
Venue: Hall K53

c) Education
Continuous improvement through mutual auscultations
A discussion of how we together, within ScAIEM could organize an auscultation program among our IEM-programs. The basic idea is to send teachers to other IEM-program to meet to teachers and t sit in on lectures for different years and topics in the education. This would provide us with a benchmarking function within ScAIEM.

Session leader: Marcus Lindahl, Uppsala University

Format: Round table

Venue: Room 243

d) Young Scholars
Publication strategies: finding what works for you
During this session we discuss topics related to the art of publishing: aiming for the stars or picking the low hanging fruits; locus or focus journals; methodological, epistemo­logi­cal, and theoretical fits; using bibliometrics to find good outlets, open access or not; and conferences and special issues.

Session leaders: Gisela Bäcklander and Anna Svarts, PhD students at KTH
Format: Workshop
Venue: Room 643

15.30 - 15.45 Break

15.45 – 16.45 Parallel Sessions 3

a) Meet the ScAIEM Editors
The ScAIEM community hosts a large number of significant scholars. This year we are proud to present the first session of this type, where a panel of Nordic editors from lea­ding academic journals will discuss their experiences of scientific publishing.

Session leader: Anders Broström; KTH and Associate editor Industry and innovation

  • Anna Bergek, Chalmers and Associate editor Research Policy
  • Thomas Lennerfors, Uppsala Universtiy and Co-editor för Culture & Organization
  • Saku Mäkinen, Tampere University and Editor-in-Chief, CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation, Department editor IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Associate editor Technological Forecasting & Social Change.
  • Miia Martinsuo, Tampere University and Associate editor International Journal of Project Management
  • Jan Olhager , Lund University and Associate editor of Decision Sciences, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, etc.
  • Ou Tang, Linköping University and Editor, International Journal of Production Economics

Format: Panel
Venue: F2

b) Top Challenges facing Nordic Industrial Leaders
How is the match between the challenges facing industrial leaders and the academic disciplines within the field of Industrial Engineering and Management?

Join us in this explorative session, where we seek to find this out. We aim to distinguish between traditional disciplines and those emerging. Who knows, we might identify green fields - challenges not (yet) (sufficiently) covered by academia. 

Featured by KTH Executive School

Session leader: Agneta Rinman and Niklas Gustafsson, KTH Executive School
Format: Workshop
Venue: Sing-Sing

c) Supporting entrepreneurial students
Students and researchers at KTH can take advantage of the free, early-stage innovation support offered by KTH Innovation, the support offices on campus.  

KTH Innovation emphasized the individual development of the entrepreneurial student or researcher and “a love all, serve all” approach to all of its clients. This in turn has turned out a number of successful entrepreneurs (not only companies). These are students (or researchers) who have spent extracurricular time working on their own ideas and taking them through KTH Innovation’s proprietary innovation process. By doing so they have developed their entrepreneurial skills in a very hands-on manner.

In this session we will explore the early stage innovation support offered by KTH Innovation, both the tools and the mindset and culture that we try to foster in our community.

Featured by KTH Innovation

Session leader: Lisa Ericsson and Donnie Lygonis KTH Innovation
Format: Presentation
Venue: Room 243

16.45 – 17.00 Break

17.00- 17.45 ScAIEM General Assembly

Come and get an update and influence the future activities of ScAIEM.

Venue: Sing-Sing

19.00 – 23.00 The IMIT Gala Dinner @ the Vasa Museum

Guided tour and gala dinner at the magnificent Vasa Museum, one of the major tourist attractions of Stockholm.

Announcement of the winners of the PhD Workshop Best Paper as well as ScAIEM Doctoral Thesis Award 2019.

Wednesday 16 October

08.30-09.00 Morning Coffee

09.00 – 10.00 Parallel Sessions 4:

a) Research
ScAIEM Doctoral Thesis Award 2019
Presentation of this year’s award winning thesis by the laurate of 2019.
Session leader: Lucia Crevani, Mälardalen University and Chair of the Thesis Award Committee
Format: Presentation
Venue: Hall K51

b) Education
Teaching ethics for IEM students
IEM students will through their work practice have an impact, positive and negative, on people and the environment. How do we best train IEM students to identify ethical aspects of their work practice, take responsibility for consequences on people and the environment, critically think about alternative options, and then act?

In this session, experiences will be shared from the ethics education for IEM students at Uppsala Univer­sity, and the course literature which was developed in that context. The aim of the session is to stimulate a discussion, and share ideas and experiences from different universities, about how to teach ethics for IEM students.

Session leader: Thomas Taro Lennerfors, Uppsala University
Format: Presentation
Venue: Hall K53

c) Education
Is it possible to make engineers entrepreneurial? If so, how?
Which are the best practices in Europe and the world with respect to entrepreneurship education? The presents findings from the EU Erasmus+ project E4T, aiming to provide more engineering students with an entrepreneurial ambition, entrepreneurial culture and skills.

Session leader: Kent Thorén, KTH
Participants: Matti Kaulio, KTH, Mirko Varano, KTH, Terrence Brown, KTH, Mette Svensson, KTH and participants from the partner universities.
Format: Presentation

Venue: Room 243

d) Young Scholars
The professional life of an IEM-postdoc
During this session we present results from an interview study with postdocs and research fellows at a Swedish University. Women and men expressed differences concerning the task content and degree of research, the position initiative, course responsibility, experience to combine academic career with private life and future career. During this session we also discuss consequences for the career and how to improve the professional life of an IEM-postdoc.

Session leaders: Eva Lovén and Mimmi Gustafsson, Linköping University
Format: Presentation
Venue: Room 643

10.00-10.30 Swedish Fika

10.30 – 11.30 Parallel Sessions 5

a) Research
The effect of digitalizing company communication on psychosocial well-being
As part of their digital transformation, companies adopt social platforms to support knowledge work and company communication. The degree of social support and the influence of a single employee might be improved, while higher demands on online availability might have a negative influence on employees’ mental health. What is the effect of social platform communication on the psychosocial work environment for employees? How can social media in the enterprise be managed to avoid negative aspects on well-being? An overview about the research topic is given in the session. Afterwards, there is time for possible presentations of participants and a discussion of further research directions or collaborations in this field.

Session leader: Kathrin Kirchner, DTU
Format: Presentation
Venue: Hall K51

b) Education
Digital education in industrial innovation
Since 2017, the EU ERASMUS+ project CEPHEI has been executed, aiming to create a digital platform for industrial innovation curricula. This session will share experiences from the project as well as provide innovate example of to move the teaching, from classical PPT, to online formats.

Session leaders: Leonid Chechurin and Janne Huiskonen, Lappenranta University of Technology
Format: Presentation
Venue: Hall K53

c) Education
What can we do better and how in entrepreneurship education?
Which are the best practices in Europe and the world with respect to entrepreneurship education? The presents findings from the EU Erasmus+ project E4T, aiming to provide more engineering students with an entrepreneurial ambition, entrepreneurial culture and skills. The session is a free continuation of session 4c (see above).

Session leader: Kent Thorén, KTH
Participants: Matti Kaulio, KTH, Mirko Varano, KTH, Terrence Brown, KTH, Mette Svensson, KTH and participants from the partner universities
Format: Round table
Venue: Room 243

d) Research
Systemic change in industrial networks
Radical technological innovations require also innovations in the business network to succeed and create business benefits. Such innovations are "systemic", i.e., they require changes not just in products and technologies, but also in associated services, systems, and related material, information and financial flows, and ways of managing and orga­ni­zing. How should industrial management research tackle these kinds of systemic chan­ges? What are the major challenges and barriers to systemic changes? What are the hot topics, what are the hot and topical findings?

Session leader: Miia Martinsou, Tampere University

Format: Presentation
Venue: Room 643


Sustainable energy systems: Technical and business perspectives
In many parts of the world, energy systems are currently undergoing a global transfor­mation, from predominantly fossil fuel-based centralized systems, to more renewable energy-based and distributed systems. This transformation is partly driven by the Paris Agreement’s aim to limit global warming to below two degrees, by EU policy, as well as Sweden’s goal to generate 100% of its electricity from renewable energy by 2040. To achieve this requires technological transformation, but also transformations of societies, economies, institutions and politics.

This panel will bring together different researchers from across KTH as part of an inter­disci­plinary research initiative on sustainable energy. The panel will and discuss current research on sustainable energy from various disciplines, such as engineering, economics, management and material science. We hope to be able to engage across the ScAIEM community and explore opportunities for potential collaboration.

Session leader: Frauke Urban, KTH

Participants: Andrew Martin, KTH; Thomas Sandberg, KTH; Emrah Karakaya, KTH; Monica Bellgran, KTH

Format: Panel

Venue: Hjärne

11.30-12.30 Lunch

12.30 -13.30 Keynote Address

Scandinavian Management – Still Valid in the Digital Era?
The Swedish model of leadership, typically characterized as non-hierarchical, team work, involvement, decentralized responsibilities, communicative and built on mutual trust, has emerged over the last three decades. It was primarily rooted in the strong internatio­nally growing mechanical industry and had a large firm context, paired with what is often labelled the Swedish tradition of consensus. The model has been described as successful and is associated with the success of many Swedish firms’ global success.

Today however, we see a new generation of creative digital firms emerging, firms with value offerings and business models enabled by digital technology. There are reasons to believe that an alternative leadership model is evolving: a model that to some parts holds characteristics that are slightly different from the ‘classical’. In an interview study with CEOs we have raised the question: is there a new form of Swedish management, and if so, what characterizes it?


  • Sofia Börjesson, Chalmers and the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)
  • Fredrik Lagergren, SAM Samarbetande konsulter, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)

Comments: Eric Ringertz, CEO Netlight Consulting

Venue: Auditorium F2

13.30 -14.30 Closing Address

Insights, conclusions, announcement of future events, etc.

Venue: Auditorium F2

[1] The program might be subject to change.