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Energy Dialogue 2014

Join the day full of networking activities, inspirational talks and dialogue for multi-disciplinary research and innovation! The Energy Dialogue, hosted by the KTH Energy Platform, is an annual event aimed at profiling the wide range of energy-related research being conducted at KTH.

Tid: To 2014-11-20 kl 11.30 - 20.00

Plats: F2, Lindstedtsvägen 26


Olena Tatarchenko olenata@kth.se

Exportera till kalender

This year's event focuses on funding strategies and opportunities for energy research and innovation. We invite you to our conference sessions with high-level representatives from funding agencies and KTH energy research groups. The event also includes awards ceremonies with prizes sponsored by Vattenfall, ABB and the KTH Energy Platform. Take the opportunity to mingle and network during our organic lunch and dinner buffet! We look forward to meeting you at the Energy Dialogue!


Tillhör: KTH Intranät
Senast ändrad: 2014-10-10