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Adobe Creative Cloud and cloud storage

Here you can find information about Adobe Creative Cloud and their cloud storage.

KTH has entered into an agreement with Adobe in order to provide employees and students with a software suite in Adobe Creative Cloud. The Adobe agreement includes limited access to cloud storage in Adobe Creative Cloud. Note that it's not KTH's intention that this cloud storage is to be used by our users; they should continue to store their data in their home folders and in KTH Onedrive. Adobe publishes information regarding storage options at Common Questions | Creative Cloud (external link) .

KTH has signed a Data Processing Agreement with Adobe for Adobe Creative Cloud that ascertains that personal data is processed according to GDPR.

KTH IT has reviewed Adobe Creative Cloud for teams Security Overview White Paper (external link)  and Adobes Security FAQ for IT (external link)  and the assessment is that Adobe handles data in a safe manner and that the data stays within the EU.

For you who handle confidential information

If you handle information covered by confidentiality regulations in OSL (Swedish Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act) you must make sure that you do not store that information in Adobe Creative Cloud. You need to store the information in a way that meets the applicable information classification requirements.

See "Riktlinje för tillämpning av reglerna om offentlighet och sekretess" on this site The principle of public access to information  (only in Swedish) for a general orientation about confidentiality at KTH.