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Technical guides for remote and hybrid activities

These guides will help you as a teacher to prepare the technical equipment used in remote and hybrid activities, for example how to achieve high quality audio and visual content and how to use the commonly used equipment.

All advice applies to both remote and hybrid activities

Student quote

"The most crucial thing is sufficient technical competence on the part of the teacher. At the lowest level, they should know how to set up screen sharing and a microphone so that the lecture can be followed without disturbing elements for those who are not present."

Like the pedagogical advice, the technical advice for remote activities also applies to hybrid situations. The conditions of the lecture halls or classrooms are added to the hybrid situation.

Check the technical conditions of the room

Before you do hybrid teaching, you need to find out which rooms can be used for hybrid activities, and what technical equipment is included in these.

Note! The conditions of the rooms varies between different campuses.

Rooms for hybrid teaching at KTH Campus

At KTH Campus at Valhallavägen, there are different types of rooms where you can carry out hybrid activities:

  • Lecture halls and classrooms adapted and equipped for hybrid activities
  • Hybrid rooms.

Zoom is prepared in the hybrid rooms as well as in all lecture halls and classrooms adapted for hybrid activities.

Zoom and hybrid rooms at KTH

Student quote

"That both students on campus and online have the opportunity to see and hear well during the lectures and can ask questions."

Table of contents

These pages will help you manage the technical aspects of remote and hybrid activities.

Technical preparations on campus for remote and hybrid activities

The remote or hybrid activity will become more rewarding for the students when you feel comfortable with the technical equipment and the teaching situation. Here, you will find recommendations on how to prepare yourself as well as the technical equipment for the activities in the room on campus.

Technical preparations on campus for remote and hybrid activities

Prepare Zoom for remote and hybrid activities

Zoom is used for both remote and hybrid activities at KTH and has several functions that can increase the interactivity of your teaching. Here you will find recommendations on how to prepare Zoom and the room (at KTH).

Prepare Zoom for remote and hybrid activities

Visual content and cameras in remote and hybrid activities

Student quote

"That the lecturer ensures things written on the board are visible to Zoom viewers, and that sound and image have good quality."

This page will guide you on how to use the camera to achieve high quality visual content during your remote or hybrid activity. You will also get advice on how to best share the content shown on the blackboard or whiteboard.

Visual content and cameras in remote and hybrid activities

Audio and microphones for remote and hybrid activities

This page guides you on how to choose the correct microphone and room for your remote or hybrid activities. You will also get tips on how to get high quality audio when using microphones.

Audio and microphones for remote and hybrid activities

Share digital tablet and document camera in Zoom

If you need to share the content displayed on a digital tablet or under a document camera, this can be done in Zoom. You might want to show already produced teaching material or share content that is written or drawn in real time. You can write or draw on a tablet or on a plain paper under the document camera.

Share digital tablet and document camera in Zoom

About the student quotes

The student quotes are some answers from students who answered questions about the most important factors for successful hybrid teaching. The survey was conducted in April 2022.

The quotes are translated from Swedish.