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Therefore course memo on About course

At latest at the start of a course, a course memo must be available for the students on About course, KTH's official place for course information. This is regulated by paragraph 4 in "Guideline on course syllabus, grading system and examination". Creating and publishing a course memo at About course gives students and teachers many advantages.

About course - KTH's official place for course information

Prospective and current students, and KTH staff, should be able to find all information about a course is displayed in one place. KTH's official place for course information is called About course, and it has three functions:

  1. Course introduction
  2. Course memo
  3. Course analysis and course data

It is important that all information regarding a course is displayed in one place. If you have a course memo in PDF format it is possible to uppload the PDF on About course. However, it is recommended that you use the template for Course meme that is avaliable in the About course administration tool. 

System support for an an accessible and uniform course memo

Creating and publishing a course memo at About course gives students and teachers many advantages.

Structure provides time for learning and teaching

For the students, it is important that the information is structured in a similar way, regardless of which course they are studying, so that they can quickly find course information before course selection and course preparations. Then the students can put their energy into learning instead of unnecessary time trying to find and understand the course information.

Accurate, legal, and quality assured course information

By using the tool to create the course memo examiners and course coordinators get help with publishing accurate, legal, and quality assured course information.

  • Automatically retrieved course information from other sources (such as course syllabus and contact information from Kopps).
  • Guidance (using definitions and structured help texts) on what, why, and how the content should be designed to be qualitative and help the student.
  • Control over course information, e.g., by collecting all versions of course syllabuses, course memos, and course analyses in a public archive.
  • Once you have created the first course memo for your course, you can start from the previous one before the next course round.

Course memo is mandatory

Paragraph 4 in "Guideline on course syllabus, grading system and examination" regulates:

  • that the examiner is responsible for establishing the course memo and for making the course memo available to the students at the latest at the start of the course.
  • which information a course memo must contain
  • that the system support for course memo is is recommended

Guidelines for course memo at KTH

Get local support from your school to publish course memos

If you, as an examiner, course coordinator or teacher, want help from the local support at your school with publishing your course memo, you will find contact details on Support for About course .