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User manual for Course memo

At latest at the start of a course, a course memo must be published on About course, at the page "Prepare and take course". Here you can find detailed instructions on how examiners, course coordinators and teachers, with the About course's administration tool and the function "Course memo", can create and publish course memos.

The user manual is divided into four parts. The first two parts describe how to create and publish a course a course memo using the tool's template and how to make changes to a published course memo. Part three describes how to publish a course PM that has been created as a PDF without using the tool's template. Part four describes the support available in the tool.

If you want to know more about what a course memo is and its purpose, see Course memo .

If you, as an examiner, course coordinator or teacher, want help from the local support at your school with publishing your course memo, you will find contact details on Support for About course .

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Jul 03, 2023
Create and publish a new course memo with the About course template
Change published course memo
Upload and publish course memo in PDF-format (created outside the tool in About course)
Detailed description of the layout and support in the tool for creating course memo