Part-Time Student Jobs at PDC Support in 2018
Would you like to work with the largest high-performance computer in Sweden?
About PDC
The PDC Center for High Performance Computing is the leading Swedish supercomputing centre and is hosted by the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. PDC operates state-of-the-art computational and storage resources. Amongst these systems is Beskow, a 2.4 petaflop Cray XC-40 system with over 67,000 cores, which is currently the largest academic supercomputer in the Nordic countries.
Role Summary/Purpose
MSc, BSc or PhD students with an interest in the hardware or software aspects of computing are invited to apply. Experience with parallel computing is an advantage (for instance, having attended thePDC Introduction to High Performance Computing Summer School). You need to be able to use Linux-based systems, and communicate in English with ease. (Note that you do not need to be able to speak Swedish.) It is also important that you can work independently (after being given instructions) and that it is easy for others to work with you. If you are the kind of person who takes the initiative when things need to be done, that will be a definite plus!
MSc and BSc students can apply for these part-time positions as described in the following section. The application procedure is different for students who will be starting PhDs at KTH, so if you are in that situation and interested in working at PDC, please contact PDC directly (see contacts below) to discuss the possibility of a part-time job at PDC.
The application should include the following documents:
- curriculum vitae,
- transcript of results (for university courses), and
- a brief description of why the applicant is interested in the position.
Application deadline: 12 January 2018
For further details about how to apply see:
- (in English) or
- (in Swedish).
More information
For more information, please contact either of the following.