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Earlier projects

SNIC Cloud

The goal of the SNIC Cloud Infrastructure project was to create a sustainable and generic SNIC Cloud infrastructure (Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS) to form a basis for SNIC Cloud projects and to provide the necessary structure for running project specific Platform as a Service (PaaS) services. The SNIC Cloud project is run by PDC, HPC2N, C3SE and UPPMAX.


The objective of the Enabling Grids for E-Science in Europe and European Grid Initiative  was to create and maintain a pan-European Grid Infrastructure in collaboration with National Grid Initiatives (NGIs) in order to guarantee the long-term availability of a generic e-infrastructure for all European research communities and their international collaborators. PDC lead the EGEE security coordination group.


EPiGRAM was an EC-funded FP7 project about exascale computing. The aim of the EPiGRAM project was to prepare Message Passing and PGAS programming models for exascale systems by fundamentally addressing their main current limitations. The concepts that were developed were tested on and guided by two applications in the engineering and space weather domains chosen from the suite of codes in current EC exascale projects. For questions about PDC's activities within EPiGRAM, please contact:

Stefano Markidis
Stefano Markidis professor


ScalaLife was an EU-FP7 funded project; its goals were to improve the scalability and performance of several important Life Science applications. The legacy of the project is the ScalaLife Competence Center for Computational Bio-molecular Research (, which is providing long-term expert support with efficient HPC usage and code optimization of selected codes. For questions about PDC's activities at ScalaLife, please contact:

Rossen Apostolov
Rossen Apostolov researcher


CRESTA brought together four of Europe’s leading supercomputing centres, with one of the world’s major equipment vendors, two of Europe’s leading programming tools providers and six application and problem owners to explore how the exaflop challenge can be met. The project had two integrated strands: one focused on enabling a key set of co-design applications for exascale, and the other focused on building and exploring appropriate systemware for exascale platforms. The six co-design vehicles represent an exceptional group of applications used by European academia and industry to solve critical grand challenge issues including biomolecular systems, fusion energy, the virtual physiological human, numerical weather prediction and engineering. For questions about PDC's activities in CRESTA, please contact:

Stefano Markidis
Stefano Markidis professor

Heat Re-use with Chemistry Building

As a part of PDC's ongoing work to reduce our environmental footprint, we have been engaging in heat re-use projects. Previously excess heat from the Cray XE6 supercomputer Lindgren was used to heat a building  used by the School of Chemistry Science and Engineering at the KTH campus.


SWEGRID was a computational grid consisting of 600 computers distributed in the form of six 100-node clusters distributed with one cluster at each of six sites throughout Sweden. The project commenced in 2003 and was funded by the KA Wallenberg foundation  and SNIC.


GRDI2020: Towards a 10-Year Vision for Global Research Data Infrastructures, is a Europe-driven initiative proposed as a Coordination Action under the Seventh Framework Programme FP7 funded by GÉANT; Infrastructure unit of DG-INFSO of the European Commission. For questions about PDC's activities within GRDI2020, please contact:

Erwin Laure
Erwin Laure


ECEE - Enabling clouds for eScience - is where the cloud projects NEON, BalticCloud, NGS, GRNET cloud, SARA cloud, UCM (OpenNebula), StratusLab, VENUS-C, SEECCI and CESGA collaborated to find out as much as possible, as quick as possible, about how clouds could help their users in their daily work - eScience.


VENUS-C: Virtual multidisciplinary EnviroNments USing Cloud infrastructures aimed to develop and deploy a Cloud Computing service for research and industry communities in Europe by offering an industrial-quality service-oriented platform based on virtualisation technologies.


The Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications, was a consortium of leading national supercomputing centres that aimed to foster pan-European world-leading computational science research. For questions about PDC's activities within DEISA, please contact:

Lilit Axner
Lilit Axner


Uni-Verse was an EC-funded project based on an open source IP-based platform for multi-user, interactive, distributed, high-quality 3D graphics and audio for home, public and personal use. The project developed several tools for Verse including high-quality 3D-audio and acoustic simulation. For further information about Uni-Verse, please contact:

Gert Svensson
Gert Svensson systems manager


The PDC VR-CUBE was a fully immersive visualization environment - it was the first Cave-like device in the world with projection on all six sides of the cube. The PDC VR-CUBE also had an advanced 3D sound system. For futher information about the VR-CUBE, please contact:

Gert Svensson
Gert Svensson systems manager


OMII-Europe (Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute for Europe) aimed to bring together the best technologies from Europe and elsewhere and make them available in an easily usable and supported form to scientists across the ERA. It was funded by the European Commission.


The goal of NextGRID was to develop an architecture for the Next Generation Grid. This project was funded by the European Commission. PDC's contribution to the NextGRID project involved investigating trust federation and mapping mechanisms for managing aggregated security and trust relationships in dynamic virtual organizations belonging to the next generation of Grids.


The aim of the Northern Europe Cloud Computing project NEON was to review the promises and summarize the overall benefits that cloud computing could provide to the Nordic eScience community.


International Collaboration to Extend and Advance Grid Education

BalticGrid and BalticGrid-II

The Baltic Grid was an EU Integrated Infrastructure Inititive to build and operate a Grid infrastructure in the Baltic states and Belarus. The project was coordinated by KTH PDC. The project started on the 1st of November 2005 and ended in April 2010.