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Indicates to users they are inside a KTH page or service

When to use

  • Use it in all KTH pages or services

When not to use

  • If the page or service is embedded in an <iframe> or similar
  • If the page or service is not part of KTH

How to use

You can get the header in two ways:

  1. (Recommended) Download the HTML markup from Cortina
  2. Make the HTML markup yourself

We recommend that you use the first option except:

  • You are making an app where users should not leave in any intermediate step. For example: account activation
  • You are making the HTML markup in Cortina

Download the HTML markup from Cortina

Under development. This method to download HTML markup from a Cortina block will be available later.

How to make your own header

To make your own header you need to take into account:

  1. Variants. KTH Style offers three differnt color variants of header
  2. Parts. KTH Style offers some components for the different parts that you might want in your header


The header comes in three variants:

  • Intranet for pages and services in intranet
  • Student web for pages and services in student web
  • External, for everything else
<header class="kth-header external"></header>
<header class="kth-header student-web"></header>
<header class="kth-header intranet"></header>


KTH Style offers the following components for making the header

You can see here a full example of header with all three parts

<header class="kth-header external">
  <div class="kth-header__container">
    <a href="/" class="kth-logotype">
            /style/assets/kth-logotype-white@2x.webp 2x,
            /style/assets/kth-logotype-white@3x.webp 3x
    <nav class="kth-mega-menu">
          <a href="#" class="kth-menu-item"> Item in mega-menu for desktop </a>
    <ul class="kth-header__tools">
        <a href="" class="kth-menu-item language"> English </a>
        <nav class="kth-mega-menu--collapsable">
          <button class="kth-menu-item">Menu in mobile</button>