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Local navigation

Navigate to different pages related to the current page

When to use

To add lists of links to related pages

When not to use

  • When the entire page is a “landing” and a local navigation only adds redudancy to the main content.
  • For same-page navigation (hash # links)

How it works

General structure

  • The container must be a <nav> tag.
  • Include a visible heading <h2> that works as navigation title
  • Give a unique label to the navigation. Use aria-labelledby in <nav> pointing to the <h2> mentioned previously
  • Use aria-current="page" attribute in the <a> tag that points to the current page.

The entire menu should represent a tree of menus (URLs and text labels) like this one:

- 1 Lorem ipsum (http://example.com/1)
- 2 Dolor sit amet (http://example.com/2)
- 3 Tempus
  - 3.1 Consectetur adipiscing elit (http://example.com/3-1)
  - 3.2 Metus iaculis (http://example.com/3-2)
- 4 Pellentesque quis justo aliquam (http://example.com/4)
- 5 Suspendisse blandit
  - 5.1 Proin at bibendum ante
    - 5.1.1 Mauris (http://example.com/5-1-1)
    - 5.1.2 Cras eu quam (http://example.com/5-1-2)
  - 5.2 Aenean sed ante in leo

Note: headings like 3 Tempus don’t have any URL.

Depending on which page the user visits, you should show a different menu.

One level

If the user is visiting a page in the “top level” (for example http://example.com/1)

  • Show all top-level menus
  • Hide all submenus. Show only the title (for example 3 Tempus) for them. Format the link using .expandable class
  • Link for 3 Tempus goes to the first page in its submenu (http://example.com/3-1)
  • Link for 5 Suspendisse blandit goes to the first URL available in the submenu (http://example.com/5-1-1)

Two levels

If the user is visiting a page in a submenu (for example http://example.com/3-1)

  • Show all top-level menus
  • Show the submenu that includes the visiting page. (everything under 3 Tempus). Hide all other submenus
  • Use a heading for the submenu title (3 Tempus) without any link

Three levels

If the user is visiting a page in a sub-submenu.

  • Show all top-level menus
  • Show all menus in the submenu that includes the visiting page (everything under 5.1 Proin at bibendum ante) and their parents (everything directly under 5 Suspendisse blandit)