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Typography in KTH Style is based on KTH graphical identity.

Typography system

  • The new graphical identity defines one single font family: Figtree. No serif font is defined.
  • Defines combinations of font size, line height and font weight. They are defined with readibility in mind and to create a visual rythm.
  • Padding and margin is defined in Spacing.

Variable font Figtree

KTH Style offers the Figtree font in variable woff2 format which maximizes compression.

  • WOFF2 format is widely supported
  • Variable fonts are also widely supported
  • Figtree variable in WOFF2 (28 Kb) is smaller than the static Regular and SemiBold in WOFF2 together (21 Kb each).
  • Users of old browsers will see the fallback font Arial or the default sans-serif font in their systems. No fallback formats (WOFF, OTF, TTF…) are provided.

Visual font sizes vs semantic document hierarchy

In previous versions of KTH Style, we have defined 6 styles for the headings from <h1>-<h6>. However, reality shows that visual hierarchy (what is visually big or small) doesn’t match 100% with the heading level (the hierarchy in the document).

  • An h2 in an article might have a very big font but an h2 in a navigation menu might be small.
  • A floating “puff” might have a heading to match the hierarchy of the article but requires smaller font because its placed in a side.

Therefore, we cannot map 1:1 HTML headings with a given font for all cases.

How to use

Bring the font to your project

Read the get started guide for developers

In a single selector


this is under development

The prose mixin

The purpose of this mixin is to style an “article”, i.e. a region of a document that will contain text-based information. It contains base styles for several HTML tags at once. It adds styles to things like headings, lists, quotes and so on.

  • It is ready to be used “as it is”, to style a HTML article generated from a Markdown file or a CMS where writers cannot customize class names.
  • It sets default font values as well as paddings and margins for most common HTML tags used in articles.
  • It takes into account combinations of elements (e.g. <h2> followed by an <h3>).

See the mixin in action in the typography test page

@use "@kth/style/scss/utils/prose";

article {
  @include prose.prose;


reset.scss sets the default values for CSS custom properties in :root

@use "@kth/style/scss/utils/reset.scss";