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News ITM

  • They found a way to optimize recycling of cars – with torrefaction

    Image with car, shredder fines, torrefaction and output.
    Illustration: Katarzyna Jagodzińska
    Published May 26, 2021

    Hi Katarzyna Jagodzińska, who recently published the article together with Stena Recycling International AB: “Can torrefaction be a suitable method of enhancing shredder fines recycling?”

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  • Three new publications from HEOS

    Published May 19, 2021
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  • KTH Live-in Lab's presents its annual report for 2020

    Published May 07, 2021

    "2020 has once again been a very exciting year for KTH Live-In Lab as a research center", writes CEO Jonas Anund Vogel in the newly released annual report.

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  • Energy students present their work at the Legionella information day

    Jennie and Linnea
    Published Apr 30, 2021

    Jennie Lindblom and Linnea Persson, our 2020 KEX Students, have presented their work at Legionella information day hosted by Säker Vatten (an organization with focus on safe water installations in bui...

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  • Schools supported by KTH research

    Black board with simple mathematic formulas.
    Photo: Chuk Yong from Pixabay
    Published Apr 28, 2021

    Three Stockholm municipalities have been given the chance to both contribute to and take part in research that KTH's teacher students do in their degree projects. The "KULF" project at the Department ...

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  • Findings offer ‘recipe’ for fine tuning alloys for high-temperature use

    A piece of alloy is stress tested in Levente Vitos' lab at KTH (photo: courtesy of Levente Vitos).
    Published Apr 26, 2021

    Superalloys that withstand extremely high temperatures could soon be tuned even more finely for specific properties such as mechanical strength, as a result of new findings published recently.

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  • PECA starts educating Swedish industry

    Woman sits in chair with phone
    Study when, and how, it suits you - that's crucial in modern pedagogy for complementary education. Photo:, Unsplash
    Published Apr 21, 2021

    Swedish industry lack updated knowledge in many technologies. Now, KTH's industrial network ICES is about to change that when launching its pilot project, PECA. Here, professional educators are able t...

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  • Being relevant is key to dissemination

    Illustration of Björn Palm surrounded by houses and greenery.
    Published Apr 07, 2021

    The energy field can make large contributions to a sustainable future – which is the reason why Björn Palm from Department of Energy Technology goes to work every morning. Being relevant to the indust...

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  • One-year old TECoSA creates new spaces for collaboration

    Published Mar 31, 2021

    The Vinnova Centre TECoSA (Center for Trustworthy Edge Computing Systems and Applications) was officially started almost exactly one year ago. Director Martin Törngren and chairman Catrin Granbom tell...

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  • Per Lundqvist - new Vice President for Sustainability

    Per Lundqvist, Professor, Vice Rector for Sustainability
    Published Mar 29, 2021

    Per Lundqvist from EGI has become the new Vice President for Sustainable Development at KTH

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  • “Citation is a sign of quality”

    Portrait of Lihui Wang
    Lihui Wang
    Published Mar 24, 2021

    By spreading your work in the research community, you stay relevant and influence the agenda. The words are Lihui Wang’s, who thinks sharing results is the most effective way to evaluate your own rese...

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  • Vincent Wang wins SME award

    Published Mar 24, 2021

    Vincent Wang’s skilled research and engagement in the manufacturing industry has rendered him the SME 2021 Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award.

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  • “I want my research to matter”

    Published Mar 17, 2021

    He is passionate about sustainable development. Francesco Fuso Nerini’s motive to make his work known to others is simple: to make a difference. ”As researchers we have a duty to produce quality resea...

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  • Highest citation and best paper for unusual trio

    Published Mar 10, 2021

    Three ITM Professors from two different departments form the team behind JMS Best Paper Award for 2020 – celebrating the highest citations during five years. The cooperation is a little unusual, but i...

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  • Accelerating the transition to clean and modern cooking for the 3 billion people without access

    Photo credit: Youssef Boulkaid
    Published Mar 10, 2021

    More than 3 billion people worldwide still do not have access to clean cooking, which results in around 4 million premature deaths annually related to household air pollution (WHO, 2018), and in a num...

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  • Aiming for faster material development

    Group photo
    MMD coordinator Carl Dahlberg (SCI), Director Annika Borgenstam (ITM), and Vice Director Per-Lennart Larsson (SCI).
    Published Mar 03, 2021

    Mechanics and Materials Science are two disciplines with their own research methods, their own terminology and strong traditions within KTH. The Center for Mechanics and Materials Design (MMD) is a ne...

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  • Fabian Levihn guest in the finance podcast Avanza

    Published Mar 02, 2021
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  • Webinars arouse research interest

    Hand holding a light bulb, and a test tube with liquid.
    Poto: Louis Reed and ThisisEngineering, Stockholms universitet.
    Published Mar 02, 2021

    The House of Science wants to inspire high school students to choose educations in science, technology, and mathematics. In their popular webinars, researchers from KTH and Stockholm University talk a...

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  • Open position as Industrial PhD student at NIBE

    NIBE heat pump.
    Published Feb 23, 2021

    One of Europe’s leading manufacturers of heat pumps, NIBE, together with Electricité de France (EDF) is looking for an industrial ph.d. student, to be supervised from the French university Mines Paris...

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  • K-ULF Teachers and researchers collaborate for a strong research project together.

    Published Feb 23, 2021

    The main purpose of the Compensatory Teaching for Learning and Research Project [K-ULF] is to increase research in collaboration between higher education institutions and local municipalities.

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