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Moving within Sweden

If you are staying in Sweden a longer time, most likely, you will need to move. Make sure you follow up on the items below.

Moving to a new place

Remember to contact the tax agency

According to Swedish law, if you have a personnummer, you are obligated to let the tax agency (Skatteverket) know your new address in Sweden or if you are leaving the country.

You can do it with a bank ID, or fill out a paper form.

Instructions from the tax agency

Ensure your mail gets to you

KTH Relocation will not help you get in touch with the new tenant at your old apartment to check for post, etc. If you would like to guarantee that your post gets forwarded, you will need to pay for the services of Adressändring.

Adressändring, the address changing service

Move your accounts

Inform the businesses you interact with or have accounts with: your bank, gym, your employers, phone company, etc.

Check what accounts (if applicable) you can transfer to your new address and what you will not be able to. Some internet providers cannot supply internet to some buildings for example. Some companies require that you give three months’ notice in order to cancel their services.