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Bin Chen

Postdoctoral researcher +46 72-378 94 65

Project title

Strain field measurements on cellulose nanomaterials

Research interests

  • Two-dimensional and three-dimensional digital image correlation;
  • Computer vision.

Academic Background

  • May 2021: Post-Doctoral researcher at KTH, Division of Biocomposites and Wallenberg Wood Science Center since, Sweden;
  • January 2019 – April 2019: visiting researcher at KU Leuven, Belgium;
  • 2016-2021: Ph.D. in Solid Mechanics, Beihang University, China;
  • 2015-2016: Master in Solid Mechanics, Beihang University, China;
  • 2011-2015: Bachelor in Aircraft Design and Engineering, Beihang University, China.


Google Scholar


  • Chen, Bin, Katia Genovese, and Bing Pan. "In vivo panoramic human skin shape and deformation measurement using mirror-assisted multi-view digital image correlation." Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 110 (2020): 103936.
  • Chen, Bin, and Bing Pan. "Calibrating mirror-assisted multi-view digital image correlation system using a speckled planar object." Measurement Science and Technology (2020).
  • Chen, Bin, Wenpeng Chen, and Bing Pan. "High-precision video extensometer based on a simple dual field-of-view telecentric imaging system." Measurement (2020): 108209.
  • Chen, Bin#, Lei Ji, and Bing Pan. "High-temperature stereo-digital image correlation using a single polarization camera." Applied Optics 59.13 (2020): 4008-4015.
  • Chen, Bin, Haibo Liu, and Bing Pan. "Calibrating stereo-digital image correlation system using synthetic speckle-pattern calibration target." Measurement Science and Technology (2020).
  • Chen, B., J. Zhao, and B. Pan. "Mirror-assisted Multi-view Digital Image Correlation with Improved Spatial Resolution." Experimental Mechanics 60.3 (2020): 283-293. (Cover Feature)
  • Chen, Bin, and Bing Pan. "Camera calibration using synthetic random speckle pattern and digital image correlation." Optics and Lasers in Engineering 126 (2020): 105919.


  • Pan, Bing, and Bin Chen. "A novel mirror-assisted multi-view digital image correlation for dual-surface shape and deformation measurements of sheet samples." Optics and Lasers in Engineering 121 (2019): 512-520.
  • Chen, Bin, and Bing Pan. "Mirror-assisted panoramic-digital image correlation for full-surface 360-deg deformation measurement." Measurement 132 (2019): 350-358.
  • Chen, Bin, and Bing Pan. "Through-thickness strain field measurement using the mirror-assisted multi-view digital image correlation." Mechanics of Materials 137 (2019): 103104.
  • Chen, Bin, and Bing Pan. "Calibration-free single camera stereo-digital image correlation for small-scale underwater deformation measurement." Optics express 27.8 (2019): 10509-10523.


  • Chen, B., and B. Pan. "Full-field surface 3D shape and displacement measurements using an unfocused plenoptic camera." Experimental Mechanics 58.5 (2018): 831-845.