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Life Science Technology day - novel 3D biology applications

The Advanced Light Microscopy (ALM) infrastructure cordially welcomes you to a networking event where leading KTH scientists and international experts will present development on novel 3D biological sample preparation and imaging techniques

Time: Wed 2022-12-07 09.00 - 13.00

Location: Drottning Kristinas väg 15-19, THS Kårhuset (gamla matsalen)

Language: English


Hans Blom

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Program - Novel 3D biology applications

09:00 am - Opening
Dr Hans Blom – KTH/ALM infrastructure

09:05 am – 3D organ-on-chip biology
Prof Anna Herland – Nanobiotechnology KTH

09:35 am – Polymers – microenvironment manipulation and
3D printing for tissue engineering
Prof Anna Finne Wistrand – Fiber & Polymer Technology KTH

10:05 am – 3D silk biology
Prof My Hedhammar – Protein Technology KTH

Coffee mingle

10:55 am – Acoustofluidics for cell manipulation in 3D:
From single cells to tumor organoids
Prof Martin Wiklund – Biophysics KTH

11:25 am – Miniaturized and multiplexed high-content screening
of drug and immune sensitivity in tumor spheroids
Prof Björn Önfelt – Biophysics KTH

11:55 am – 3D clearing microscopy & Expansion microscopy
Dr. Jacques Paysan & Steven Edwards – ZEISS & ALM

Lunch mingle

Registration to  (dead line Nov 25th)