Unite! Teaching and Learning - Getting Started with Project Based Learning
The unite! European University Alliance welcomes all partner’s teaching staff to a series of activities designed to share and develop teaching and learning in an international setting. The Teaching and Learning Unite! activities are aimed at all faculties and staff involved with education in all partner universities. We are inviting you to meet Unite! colleagues to share practices with the aim of developing your own teaching. Get an insight into how teaching and learning is promoted at different partner universities.
The activities – webinars, courses and training events – are run by pedagogical experts from the partner universities and are free of charge for the Unite! community. All activities are held in English and run online. You may receive a certificate, and some of the activities award credits.
Time: Tue 2022-06-07 10.00
Location: Metacampus (online)
Language: English
Participating: Dr. Miguel Valero, Dr. Paco Calviño
Activity 13: Getting Started with Project Based Learning
Host: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC)
June 7th, 10.00-11.30 CET. This workshop is also held on
May 31st
June 2nd
The aim of the workshop is to prepare participants to take the first steps in using project based learning (PBL). The workshop will discuss the basics of the methodology and conduct an exercise for designing a modest PBL-activity that incorporates the basic elements.
Learning outcomes:
• Defining PBL and discussing its advantages and main difficulties.
• Explaining the key elements to be considered when designing a PBL activity.
• Designing a PBL activity that includes the key elements for success.
Target group:
Faculty, lecturers and teachers of UNITE! partner universities who do not have experience in using PBL and
want to know about it and start using it.
Contact person: Dr. Miguel Valero, email: miguel.valero@upc.edu
Last day to register for this workshop is on May 12th, to register you need to follow this link and create an account on Metacampus . A step by step guide for registration is available on this pdf (pdf 1.5 MB)