Research collaboration competence
Through the Research Support Office, RSO, you who have a leadership role in research collaboration are offered special support through, among other things, training courses, seminars, online courses in Canvas and participation in networks.

Competence courses
Based on previous thematic seminars organised by RSO, aimed primarily at leaders of research collaboration, such as centres, platforms, strategic innovation programmes, or large EU projects, a series of Canvas courses has been launched. They are accessible for all researchers and staff at KTH and were developed on request from KTH’s vice president responsible for research.
Published courses
- Managing research centres and other major initiatives
- Data Management and Open Science . Contact: Rosa Lönneborg (KTHB)
- IP Management . Contact: KTH Innovation
- Research communication . Contact: Leila Zoubir (COM) . Self enroll to the course by clicking on this link .
- Research ethics and good research practice . Contact: Fredrik Karlsson (RSO)
Coming: JML (Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Conditions) and sustainability, Pierre Bodin , (RSO)
Seminars and networks
STRIV also continuously organizes networking meetings with various current themes, which are partly aimed for those who have taken the canvas course, but these networking meetings are also a good opportunity to meet other researchers and experts to share experiences and knowledge with each other.