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Examples of learning objectives in courses


ME2084 Organizational Analysis and Professional Roles 4.0 credits

Intended learning outcomes

After passing the course, the students should be able to:

  1. Describe and discuss central concepts and theories of schools and other educational environments from an organizational theory related perspective of and report these in writing and orally
  2. Identify and formulate a scientific issue that problematises organisational practices in an business/organisation based on theoretical concepts such as power, gender, ethnicity, class, equality, diversity and leadership
  3. Design a research plan for how this scientific issue should be turned into principles of collection, systematisation and analysis of empirical material in a business/organisation
  4. Analyse empirical studies in relation to the scientific issue and present a cohesive scientific final report to scientific examination orally and in writing

MF1001 Mechanical Engineering, introductory course 9.0 credits

Intended learning outcomes

After passing the course, the students should be able to:

  • Define (and for higher grades, explain) a number of concepts that occur in the field of mechanical engineering, such as force, moment, equilibrium, free body diagrams, strain, stress, elasticity, energy, heat, effect, work, laminar flow, turbulence, production and gear ratios.
  • Carry out simple calculations in mechanical engineering, such as for example simple force analyses, strength analyses, heat release, energy need and effect output.
  • Independently and in a structured way use CAD software to create parametrised part models, assembly models, mechanism models, dimensioned detail drawings and assembly drawings with exploded views.
  • Plan and organise a small product development project, make a project plan divide tasks in a project group. Reflect on group dynamics and roles in a group.
  • In project group write and compile an uniformly written report, create presentation material and carry out an oral presentation.
  • Discuss and reflect on gender equality, equality and diversity in a perspective relevant for students and professionals.
  • Discuss sustainable development in a few technical areas, from an introductory perspective.
  • Discuss technology and the professional engineering role.

Concretization / specification of course content

Even if the learning objectives do not explicitly have a JML perspective, the course content can have it, which can be concretized in e.g. course-pm.