Half-time review and seminar
The half-time review and seminar is not an examination, but is mandatory for doctoral students admitted to the doctoral program in Technology and health. Its purpose is to support the doctoral students in their progression to successfully complete their doctoral education.
The main supervisor and the doctoral student ensure that the half-time review and seminar takes place on time. One or two evaluators are selected by the main supervisor and approved by the deputy director of 3rd cycle studies (vice FA). The evaluators are faculty members at a university, who are docents or have equivalent competence, familiar with the PhD-program in Technology and health and the rules of KTH.
To facilitate the process a form Part A – Application (docx 56 kB) is available in which all information can be added. The form should be sent to the PhD-admin for approval at least one month prior to the seminar.
The main supervisor is responsible for announcing the seminar to the faculty and to HR (for information) at least one week prior to the seminar. The seminar should be given to a larger audience, e.g. the division/department.
Report prior to the seminar
The doctoral student is responsible for sending a report (including attachments) to the evaluators at least one week prior to the seminar. The report (5-10 pages) shall include all accomplishments so far in relation to scientific work, courses and achieved progression towards completing the examination goals of the UKÄ, the Swedish Higher Education Authority. A plan for how to complete the PhD-period on time should be included in the report.
The individual study plan must be updated by the main supervisor and the doctoral student prior to the seminar and be submitted to the evaluators as a PDF at the same time as the report.
The doctoral student is responsible for preparing and giving an oral presentation (< 30 min) that summarizes accomplished research findings, the progression towards the UKÄ's learning outcomes, courses, and a plan for completing the PhD-education within the stipulated time frame.
Post seminar evaluation
The main supervisor chairs the seminar. Part B – REPORT (docx 59 kB) of the form is used for the evaluation.
After the oral presentation, a closed internal meeting takes place between the supervisors and evaluators. The main supervisor has the option to invite the doctoral student to be present. In the meeting, comments on the report and presentation are given, as well as suggestions and possible measures that need to be considered to complete the doctoral education with high quality and on time.
The form is filled in by the evaluators during the internal meeting. The main supervisor is responsible for sending the signed form to the PhD-administration (phdadmin@cbh.kth.se), the doctoral student and co-supervisors.
Within one week after the seminar, the main supervisor is responsible for updating the eISP with decided measures. Vice FA/PA will together with the doctoral student and the main supervisor follow-up on decided measures and the progression of the doctoral education.