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Operational support for CBH

CBH's activities are supported by both local and university wide support. The local School's Office includes the Management Office, the ​Education Office and Infrastructure and Service. The support functions HR, Finance and Communication are part of a KTH-wide university operational support.

The School's Office

The following units are part of the CBH School's Office:

Contact CBH School's Office 

Marie Larsson
Marie Larsson head of department

Visiting address:
Teknikringen 26, plan 6.

Postal address:
KTH School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health
School's Office CBH
Teknikringen 26
114 28 Stockholm

Contacts for support with infrastructure, caretaking and other services.

Managers at CBH School's Office

Management Office

Marie Larsson
Marie Larsson head of department

Education office

Per Dalhammar
Per Dalhammar educational administration manager

Research education 

Fredrik Häggström
Fredrik Häggström team manager

Infrastructure and Service 

Daniel Tavast
Daniel Tavast team manager