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Safety representatives at CBH

The employer and employees work together to create a good working environment. The employer has the main responsibility for the work environment and the safety representative (SKO) is the employee's chosen representative on work environment issues. Together, they work to prevent ill-health and accidents in the workplace.

Chief safety representatives 

  • Coordinates the activities of the safety representatives and acts like a link between the Safety Committee and the safety representatives.

  • Sits on the Safety Committee.
  • Joins in safety rounds if the safety representative cannot.
  • Can act like a stand in case the safety representative is absent from the workplace.  

Chief safety representatives

Safety representatives 

  • Represents the employees, including temporarily hired and sub-contracted employees, within their area of responsibility.

  • Supervises the working environment within their area of responsibility and work towards a satisfactory working environment in collaboration with the employer.
  • In their area of responsibility, reports any shortcomings in the work environment.
  • Participates in safety rounds.
  • Have the legal right to be present and cooperate in planning and changes to the work environment, for example regarding premises, devices, working methods and the use of chemicals.
  • Helps employees make work injury and incident reports. 
  • Have knowledge of the content of occupational health and safety legislation and other legislation that applies to the organization in question, and have knowledge of the content of central and local parties' agreements, deals, etc. that are important from a working environment perspective.

Safety representatives