In the event of a crisis
Here you can find instructions on what to do in the event of a crisis.
What to do in case of fire, accident or disaster
1. Alert 112, the national emergency number
In the event of a special incident that poses a danger to life, property or the environment, and when you need the police, ambulance or fire service.
2. Inform 08-790 7700, KTH’s emergency number
Provide address, cause of alarm and telephone number where you can be reached so that KTH's security manager can call back.
3. Inform the school/department, equivalent
Inform the school in accordance with the school’s procedures, or your line manager of what has happened and what action you have taken.
4. Call the Electrum Laboratory's emergency number
In the event of an alarm in Electrum Kista that may affect the Electrum Laboratory, call the Electrum Laboratory's emergency number 070- 648 60 32.
5. Take care of staff
Take care of those who have been exposed to a dangerous/threatening situation (discovered burglary/witnessed serious injury etc.).
In the following hour
Contact EECS crisis and preparedness organisation .
In the following days
Make an incident report .
Important phone numbers in case of emergency or crisis
National emergency number: 112
The national emergency number 112 must be used in urgent emergency situations when there is a danger to life, property or the environment. An emergency situation is when you need fast assistance from ambulance, emergency services, police, air, sea or mountain rescue, on-call priest or toxicity information. SOS Alarm important numbers
KTH’s alarm numbers: 08-790 7700
To inform KTH about special incidents, which include serious accidents, threats or fire, that have occurred at KTH or in some other way affect KTH.
KTH’s emergency number 08-790 7700 for special incidents and crises
KTH’s emergency number: 08-790 7700
is available for the entire KTH 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Through this number, you report special events such as serious accidents, threats, fire or if you need security support.