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Call: Collaboration within Life Science Research 2021


Published Mar 16, 2021

KTH Researchers can apply for funding to enhance multidisciplinary collaborations in Life Science Research. Funding of about SEK 50 000 per project can be disbursed during 2021. Application deadline: 15 May 2021.

Aim of the Call

Multidisciplinary Collaborations

The KTH LST Platform will support activities and networks within KTH with aim to establish or maintain multidisciplinary collaborations, supporting applications in Life Science-related research and planning events. Funding of about SEK 50 000 per project can be disbursed during 2021.

Young researchers

We especially encourage young researchers (e.g. Postdocs and advanced PhD students) to apply for this grant.

Across KTH's Schools and departments

We encourage applications that develop new collaborations between different research groups across KTH’s schools and departments – it is highly advised to have at least two departments involved. We also accept applications for projects addressing networking activities and social activities. 

Suggested Activities

Examples of activities that can be supported:

  • Multidisciplinary projects within Life Science.
  • Projects that could lead to new larger multidisciplinary research applications.
  • Starting of a university-wide network, or to carry out activities in an existing network.
  • Activities related to networking with external partners (private, public or research institute), fostering new or strengthening existing links.
  • Organization of a conference or seminar series with focus on Life Science Research.


Deadline for application: 15 May 2021. Applications should be sent to:

The applications should be provided as a pdf, not exceed 2 pages using Times New Roman 12pts. The application can be written in Swedish or English.

You will need to fill in the following information:

  • Project Title
  • Date
  • Main Applicant (must be a KTH affiliate)
  • Main Applicant’s affiliation and contact information
  • Co-applicants (including school and dept.)
  • Amount applied for
  • Justification of planned expenses
  • Project Description including methods, goals
  • Action plan, milestones and timetable incl. Responsible
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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Mar 16, 2021