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Theme Leader - Digitalisation of the Food System: logistics and consumption

KTH FOOD is recruiting

Published Mar 27, 2023

Be part of a creative multidisciplinary research environment working with sustainable and healthy food systems. KTH FOOD is recruiting a Theme Leader to be actively involved in developing new research within the area of “Digitalisation of the Food System: logistics and consumption”.

KTH FOOD is a Centre established in 2023 to develop a leading multidisciplinary research environment that strives for a sustainable, resource efficient and fair food system, resulting in food products with positive impact on health and well-being. Four thematic research areas have been identified to develop the Centre’s mission: (1) sustainable food production, (2) logistics, digitalisation and consumption, (3) circular food processes for zero waste, and (4) functional food products and health.

Theme Leader in “Digitalisation of the food system: logistics and consumption”

To support the strategic development of KTH FOOD we are looking for a Theme Leader in “Digitalisation of the food system: logistics and consumption”. The theme leader will have scientific responsibility to describe and develop the specific research area on the connections with food and digitalisation. This includes broadly: logistics and value chain management, automatization, artificial intelligence and precision agriculture, online tools, digitalisation and consumers, process optimisation (digital twins).

The theme Leader will support the research management of KTH FOOD and will be responsible for:

  • Identifying relevant research questions within food systems and digitalisation
  • Creating a research network within KTH by engaging relevant researchers at KTH.
  • Contributing to research in KTH FOOD: i.e. by writing perspective multidisciplinary research articles within sustainable and healthy food systems.
  • Find relevant research funding calls to gather around relevant researchers from KTH and stakeholders.
  • Be involved in formulating postdoc positions that are financed by the center.
  • Arranging meetings/workshops within the subject area

The Theme Leader will participate in biweekly management meetings with centre directors and other Theme Leaders.

Theme leaders:

  • Rebecka Milestad – Sustainble food production
  • Francisco Vilaplana- Circular food processes for Zero Waste
  • Under recruitment – Food and Health

KTH FOOD will contribute financially for the Theme Leader with 10% of a full-time position, including LKP and overheads.

The interested applicants should submit the following material:

  1. CV (max 2 pages)
  2. Publication list
  3. Motivation letter (max 2 pages): describe briefly your background and research interest in the broad area of digitalisation, logisitics and consumtpion and how you would like to further develop the research Theme area and KTH FOOD in general.

The applications should be submitted to the following email:  

Deadline for applications: April 14th, 2023 kl.23:59. 

The proposals will be evaluated internally by the Centre management (Director and Vice-director) and the chairperson of the steering group.

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Belongs to: KTH FOOD
Last changed: Mar 27, 2023