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Digitisation as an enabler for sustainable development

KTH at Internetstiftelsens Internet Days conference, 21-22 november

How do we create a sustainable transition for society? Join us and leading researchers from KTH to discuss the possibilities and risks of digitisation and gain knowledge about how digitization can contribute to for sustainable development in key areas of societal importance.

Time: Mon 2022-11-21 10.00 - 14.00

Location: Digitalt

Language: Swedish and english see programme for details

Participating: Jan "Gulan" Gulliksen, Monica Bellgran, James Gross, Tobias Oechtering and more



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Internet Days is an annual two-day online conference. Each day begins and ends with current trend insights from world-leading keynote speakers. This year, KTH is holding an in-depth theme track on digitisation and sustainable development on 21 November.

KTH's research in digitisation spans several areas. Partly within security and integrity, urban construction, smart homes and buildings. But we also conduct research in health, transport, energy and policy and digital industrial transformation.

During KTH's theme track, we will gather several of our researchers to deepen the discussion about the opportunities and risks of digitisation. And how we can use it as a tool and a means to achieve sustainable social development.

Digitisation is a central part of our work towards a sustainable sociaetal transition. Innovations in digitisation mean great opportunities to solve several of today's urgent needs in sustainable design and production processes, among other things. But at the same time while the potential for digitisation is great, it also poses difficult challenges. Which risks and possibilities can we predict today?

Welcome to a day of inspiring lectures and conversations. You who participate in our theme track are garanteed an exciting insight into current research and innovation in digitization for sustainable development.

Programme, more information and tickets on the swedish webpage.

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Last changed: Oct 20, 2022