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Sustainable Transformation Seminars: Four futures - One choice

The Sustainable Transformation Seminars spring 2021 series, starts March 12th. They will be held monthly a Friday each month, 12.00-13.00. The format is 30 minutes presentation and 30 minutes of guided and open discussion with a KTH moderator/host for each instance.

Time: Fri 2021-03-12 12.00 - 13.00

Location: Digital

Participating: Didem Gürdür Broo and Kirsten Lamb

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First seminar: Four futures - One choice

Speakers: Didem Gürdür Broo and Kirsten Lamb

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About the first seminar

Four Futures, One Choice, a new, plain-language e-book written by experts from the Centre for Digital Built Britain in Cambridge, presents four future scenarios for what the construction and infrastructure sector of 2040 could look like, depending on the choices we make today. It provides a future lens enabling us to view, with clarity and detail, four scenarios of what Britain could look like in 2040, depending upon the decisions that are made now, in these unprecedented times. While we can't guarantee with any certainty the outcomes our decisions will have, exploring future scenarios helps us identify the direction we would prefer and ultimately which way we should steer. The book sets out suggested actions that experts have suggested would result in a fairer, greener future for all. The lead author Dr Didem Gurdur Broo and Kirsten Lamb will present the idea behind the project, the importance of acquiring future perspective and the four scenarios of the 2040.

Book: Four Futures - One Choice

About Didem Gurdur Broo

Person and drone.

Didem Gurdur Broo currently works at University of Cambridge as a research associate on human-cantered and sustainable cyber-physical systems. She will start a new position at Stanford University as a Marie Curie Fellow in September. In addition to be a researcher she is also future strategist. Didem cares about the future of the world and nature. She is a computer scientist with a PhD in mechatronics, which can give you an idea about how much she loves to talk about the future and emerging technologies. She is a data person, always finds a way to talk about how important it is to know your data, use it to make decisions and at some point expect her to talk about art, visualizations and visual analytics. Didem is a person who does not hesitate to talk about inequalities and point out her ethical concerns. She dreams a better world and actively works on improving inequalities regardless of their nature. She is an analytical thinker with a passion for design thinking, a researcher with a future perspective, an engineer who likes problems more than solutions and a teacher who likes to play during lectures. She is a good reader, sailor, divemaster, photographer and drone pilot.

About Kirsten lamb

Kirsten Lamb works at the Centre for Digital Built Britain (CDBB) as a Knowledge Communication Manager. That means it’s her job to come up with creative ways for people to access and understand the research that CDBB is doing. From her early career as a research librarian, to her liberal arts undergraduate degree, to her childhood fascination with dinosaurs, astronomy and art history, Kirsten has never met a subject she hasn’t liked, and as a result she never wanted to specialise. Instead, she enjoys learning, exploring, and connecting with different ideas and communities. Her work is centred on bringing people in, understanding their perspectives, empowering them with information and inspiring them with a big vision of what the world could be like. Outside of work, Kirsten enjoys long distance hiking, weightlifting, photography, reading and volunteering/fundraising for environmental and social justice charities. She lives with her partner in Cambridge, UK, but was born and raised in Seattle, USA.

Coming seminars:

  • April 16th - Savita Verma

  • May 7th - Jong Hun Woo

  • June 4th - Anna Sannö

More information about Sustainable Transformation Seminars.

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Last changed: Mar 09, 2021