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Submit by September 30: Industrial Transformation Platform call

The Platform for Industrial Transformation supports activities during 2020 aimed at increasing the chance of success for KTH researchers to compete in external calls for research funding. Deadlines for next proposals is September 30.

Time: Wed 2020-09-30

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About the call

The platform announces an opportunity for KTH researchers to apply for financial support for activities that will support the writing of applications for external research funding within the scope of the platform.

Examples of activities that can be supported are: Workshops, arranging or participating in conferences, EU-related research funding activities, and similar. New innovative ideas to create excellent applications for funding are especially encouraged.

Application info

Deadline for proposals is: September 30, 2020.

Below, you find the template for the application to the Platform for Industrial Transformation.

Please submit the application and questions to:

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Welcome to apply! /The platform team

Template for application. (docx 21 kB)

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Aug 26, 2020