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Model-driven data analysis and Data-driven models

KTH Life Science Day 2022

The KTH Life Science Day 2022 will feature scientific talks and a keynote address by Professor Madan Rao followed by an opportunity for networking and collaboration. Photo: Istock

KTH Life Science Platform organises an annual event where we bring together KTH researchers working in the broad area of life sciences. This year, we have invited colleagues using both bottom-up computational models of biological systems and high-level data-driven models. The goal is to highlight that computational/mathematical modelling is crucial for causal inference in biological systems and that models should form a part of the data analysis pipelines for biology.

Time: Mon 2022-11-28 13.00 - 18.00

Location: KTH Campus, Digital Futures, Osquars Backe 5, floor 2

Video link: Passcode 27183

Language: English

Participating: Several

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Like previous years, the event will feature five scientific talks and a keynote address, this year by Professor Madan Rao. The talks will be followed by mingling with light food/drinks, which will provide an opportunity for networking and collaboration.


13:00 Introduction and overview
Peter Savolainen , KTH Life Science Platform Director

13:15 Nonequilibrium control of cell membrane organisation - active emulsions
Keynote speaker Madan Rao , Simon Center for Living Machines, National Center for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India

​​​​​​​Abstract Madan Rao (pdf 63 kB) ​​​​​​​

14:00 Reconstructing the transport cycle in the sugar porter superfamily using coevolution-powered machine learning
Lucie Delemotte , Department of Applied Physics, SCI, KTH

14:30 Coffee

15:00 Patient-specific simulation of the blood flow in the heart: model-driven analysis of ultrasound data and data-driven finite element models
Johan Hoffman , Computational Science and Technology, EECS, KTH

Abstract Johan Hoffman (pdf 60 kB) ​​​​​​​

15:30 Technology to decode, predict and enhance human movement
​​​​​​, KTH MoveAbility Lab, School of Engineering Sciences, KTH

Abstract Lanie Gutierrez-Farewik (pdf 89 kB) ​​​​​​​

16:00 Thrombus formation - blood flow modelling of artificial devices
Lisa Prahl Wittberg , Department of Engineering Mechanics, SCI, KTH

16:30 Modeling the development of brain tumors in mice
Petter Säterskog , Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Karolinska Institutet, SciLifeLab

Abstract Petter Säterskog (pdf 81 kB) ​​​​​​​

17:00 Closing remarks

17:05 Mingle (only in person)

Organiser: KTH Life Science Platform ​​​​​​​

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Last changed: Nov 28, 2022