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BioInnovation: Hypothesis testing step 1 - Innovative project with higher risk

Published Jun 09, 2021

In this offer, Vinnova support innovative, smaller research and innovation projects that address a radical and innovative issue. This means that the newness and uncertainty may be higher than in more traditional project. You can apply for this offer at any time during the year. The offer has several different application periods.

What can you apply for?

Project which aims to verify, confirm or dismiss innovative innovations for a more comprehensive project.

Who can apply?

Primarily manufacturers, suppliers and users of bio-based materials, products and services, but also universities, colleges, research institutes and other relevant actors.

How much can you apply for?

A maximum of SEK 500,000 for a project. Project must be co-financed by participating companies with the same amount as the grant applied for.


7 September, 2021, at 14:00. 

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Jun 09, 2021