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Calls June

Published Jun 29, 2020

Here we have gathered several calls open for application.

Cancelled: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation – projects with high scientific potential

Please note that the call for 2021 is cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

More information. 

Collaborative projects for research and innovation associated to the corona pandemic: Innovation projects in the health field that dampen the prevalence and effects of the covid-19 pandemic – Vinnova

Health-related innovation projects and feasibility studies are funded within the call for proposal. These should help to curb the spread and effects of the covid-19 pandemic and prevent future pandemics. The results of the innovation projects should be implemented and utilized already during the ongoing pandemic, and the results of the feasibility studies will lead to increased preparedness for future pandemics.

Projects must have at least two project partners. One of these should be from business or health care. Maximum award: 5 million SEK per innovation project. Eligibility requirements on co-financing is required for some actors.

Closing date: 18 August 2020.

More information. 

Consolidator grant for research on viruses and virus-caused disease conditions – Vetenskapsrådet

This enables persons who are in the process of securing an independent research career to conduct long-term research in basic virology and fundamental disease mechanisms caused by viruses. The grant is worth up to SEK 12 million over six years. Maximum award: SEK 12,000,000.

Closing date: 1 September 2020

More information. 

Postdoctoral fellowships - Human Frontier Science Program

The Human Frontier Science Programme invites applications for its postdoctoral fellowships. These enable early-career scientists to broaden their research skills by moving into new areas of study while working in a new country conducting research in the life sciences. Two different fellowship programmes are available:

  • long-term fellowships – for applicants with a PhD in a biological discipline to broaden their expertise by proposing a project in the life sciences which is significantly different from their previous PhD or postdoctoral work;
  • cross-disciplinary fellowships – for applicants with a PhD from outside the life sciences, such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering or computer sciences.

Applicants must have at least one lead author paper accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed international journal where they are either single, first or joint first author by the application deadline.

Closing date: 13 August 2020

More information.

Research grant for pandemic preparedness - Merck

Merck invites pre-proposals for its research grant for pandemic preparedness. This supports technological solutions for pandemic outbreak preparedness, or solutions that could help fight emerging viral infections. Proposals should address the following needs:

  • assess the priority of pathogens and diseases with epidemic threat;
  • platform technologies to accelerate the development of vaccines, drugs, diagnostics, vector control tools and delivery systems needed to control emerging health threats;
  • innovative technologies for better personal protection equipment for infection control;
  • novel health technologies, such as AI, bioelectronics and diagnostics, for early screening of potential infected patients and treatment facilitation;
  • fast-track identifying, testing and production of effective drugs and vaccines during outbreak.

Closing date: No deadline

More information. 

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Last changed: Jun 29, 2020